Here’s the reason behind Chuck Schumer’s Tax raise. The trillions of dollars needed to build up their green electricity infrastructures are too expensive for progressive states to endure.
Therefore, Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, has instructed the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to penalize red states.
Schumer Pushes for Clean Energy Access via FERC
Last week, Mr. Schumer addressed FERC in a letter requesting that it swiftly adopt a strict regulation governing transmission planning and cost allocation in order to provide more clean energy to Americans.
He asserts that the delay in renewable energy projects is due to state-level conflicts over the approval of new transmission lines and the distribution of their expenses.
According to FERC’s existing regulations, the cost of transmission improvements is distributed according to who stands to gain from increased reliability or decreased congestion costs.
For instance, to preserve reliability, Illinois consumers would be required to pay higher electric rates for a new transmission line that would transfer power from a gas-fired plant in Wisconsin to Illinois.
Cost-sharing arrangements among the states that make up a regional transmission organization haven’t been contentious as long as projects have addressed reliability issues.
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The Cost of Transmitting Renewable Energy

More than half of states currently have renewable energy standards, which is a growing challenge. By 2035, New Jersey must have all of its energy from renewable sources, including 7,500 megawatts of offshore wind energy, enough to power almost six million homes.
It costs money to construct extensive transmission lines to link solar and wind power installations to population areas.
Due largely to the expansion of wind and solar energy in the Lone Star State, Texans spent $4.1 billion on transmission fees in 2021, more than twice as much as they did in 2011.
Solar and wind electricity have two to three times more expensive transmission costs than nuclear and fossil fuel generation.
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