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Hunter Biden Nudes on Congress in MTG’s Vengeance

Wednesday’s House Oversight hearing, which aimed to shed light on allegations of mishandling the criminal probe into Hunter Biden, took an unexpected turn when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) unleashed a shocking display of explicit images of President Joe Biden’s son. 

The MAGA congresswoman’s actions sent the hearing into chaos, drawing strong criticism from committee Democrats who deemed her stunt inappropriate and unbecoming of the chamber. 

Hearing on the Hunter Biden Investigation in the House Degenerates Into Chaos

As the proceedings unfolded, tensions escalated, and lawmakers clashed over the propriety of displaying such materials in a congressional hearing.

The focus of the hearing was the testimony of two IRS whistleblowers who raised concerns about the handling of the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden. 

They alleged that preferential treatment was given to the younger Biden during the probe, leading to a plea deal on tax charges. 

Republicans largely supported the whistleblowers’ credibility, using the opportunity to highlight the so-called “Biden crime family” and accusations of foreign bribery schemes.

On the other hand, Democrats labeled the investigation into the Bidens as an exercise in futility and embarrassment, citing the lack of evidence of the president’s wrongdoing.

When it was Rep. Greene’s turn to ask questions during the hearing, she shocked the room by brandishing posterboards with X-rated images from Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop. 

She questioned the witnesses about potential violations of federal laws related to Hunter Biden’s interactions with prostitutes. 

Despite being advised to refer her questions to the House Ways and Means Committee, Greene persisted in pressing for information on alleged IRS investigations into Hunter Biden’s involvement in sex tapes and online pornography.

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Rep. Greene’s Graphic Display Sparks Outcry in House Oversight Hearing

Wednesday’s House Oversight hearing, which aimed to shed light on allegations of mishandling the criminal probe into Hunter Biden, took an unexpected turn when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) unleashed a shocking display of explicit images of President Joe Biden’s son.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), the Ranking Member of the committee, pointed out that Greene had exceeded her allotted time, yet she continued her line of questioning and display of explicit images. 

Gasps from the crowd and objections from other Democrats characterized the tense atmosphere as the congresswoman persisted in showcasing nude photos of Hunter Biden.

Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) objected to Greene’s actions, stating that the images were not evidence or even allegations of any wrongdoing. Despite the objections, Rep. Comer, the House Oversight Committee Chair, defended Greene’s actions, asserting that the material was already publicized on the internet before the hearing.

Following Greene’s conduct, some Democrats voiced their frustration and criticism, characterizing the hearing as a display of allegations without substantial evidence. 

Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) expressed his disappointment in the majority’s investigations, while Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) made a controversial tweet referencing the explicit images, invoking an alleged nickname for the president found in Hunter’s emails.

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy’s office has been asked to comment on Greene’s behavior and whether any disciplinary action will be taken against her.

As this incident raises concerns about decorum and appropriate conduct in congressional hearings, it remains to be seen how the House leadership will respond to this polarizing event.

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