A distant exoplanet, LP 890-9c, orbiting a red dwarf star 98 light-years away, may hold crucial insights into the transformation of habitable planets like Earth into inhospitable worlds akin to Venus.
Recent research led by Lisa Kaltenegger from Cornell University’s Carl Sagan Institute has utilized modeling techniques to explore the potential atmospheric and climatic states of LP 890-9c and how the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) can aid in distinguishing between them.
Clues to the Fate of Habitable Worlds like Earth and Venus
LP 890-9c’s position within its planetary system bears similarities to Venus’ location in our solar system, both situated near the inner edge of the habitable zone.
While Venus underwent a runaway greenhouse effect, resulting in the loss of its water and the formation of a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere, not all planets in similar positions will necessarily follow the same trajectory.
One key factor is the presence of a magnetic field, which Venus lacks, leading to the depletion of water due to the solar wind
If LP 890-9c possesses a robust magnetic field, it may be capable of retaining water vapor in its atmosphere, despite being close to its star.
Kaltenegger’s team employed various models based on the planet’s measured mass, radius, and assumptions about its chemical composition, surface conditions, atmospheric depth, and cloud cover.
These models ranged from a hotter version of Earth to scenarios with different degrees of greenhouse effects, ultimately culminating in a model resembling Venus with its carbon dioxide-dominated atmosphere.
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JWST’s Quest for Atmospheric Clues

Another study led by Jonathan Gomez Barrientos from the California Institute of Technology revealed that the JWST could observe LP 890-9c’s transits across its star to determine its atmospheric characteristics.
A few transits could confirm the presence of a steamy, water-rich atmosphere, while additional transits could indicate whether LP 890-9c more closely resembles Venus or a still-habitable, hot Earth scenario.
With the planet’s short transit period of 8.5 Earth days, these measurements could potentially be made within six months.
While JWST cannot directly detect water on the planet’s surface, it can analyze the composition of the atmosphere to assess its suitability for liquid water.
Even if LP 890-9c proves too hot for life, the findings can provide valuable insights into Earth’s future.
As our sun ages and grows brighter, Earth will face increasing temperatures, making it uninhabitable in approximately one billion years.
By studying a planet that has undergone or resisted such changes, scientists can gain valuable knowledge about the fate of our own planet.
Understanding the potential scenarios and evolutionary paths of rocky planets like LP 890-9c can shed light on the habitability of other planets within their star’s habitable zone.
Furthermore, this research has the potential to inform us about the long-term prospects and challenges Earth may face as it progresses through its own future evolution.
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