Two GOP 2024 candidates restated their opposition to abortion on the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson ruling, which overturned Roe v. Wade.
Presidential candidate and former Vice President Mike Pence characterized the landmark ruling from the previous year as a significant triumph that consigned Roe v. Wade to a place of historical insignificance.
Abortion Beyond Politics
Earlier this week, Pence called upon all GOP candidates to commit themselves to a nationwide prohibition on abortion after the 15-week mark. However, he also emphasized the crucial need to exhibit compassion alongside this position during a statement on Sunday.
In an interview, Pence expressed his belief that it is imperative to convey a message of grace and kindness, considering the staggering number of 62 million unborn lives lost and the corresponding number of women affected by two generations of abortion. He regarded this issue as surpassing mere political importance and deemed it a winning cause.
Pence underscored that the implementation of a 15-week restriction at the national level would align the United States laws with those of the majority of European countries, where abortion is strictly banned after 12 to 15 weeks.
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Upholding Women’s Autonomy in Healthcare Decisions

Despite Pence’s call for stricter regulations, recent polls indicate that 60% of voters remain opposed to the Supreme Court’s annulment of the nationwide right to abortion. This sentiment was echoed by nearly 80% of female voters aged 18-49, two-thirds of suburban women, 60% of independent voters, and a third of Republicans who expressed their disapproval.
Furthermore, Pence expressed strong support for Senator Tommy Tuberville’s endeavors to impede military promotions in response to Defense Department policies on abortion, including the recent decision to reimburse expenses for service members traveling to other states for abortion services.
Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) raised objections to Pence’s stance, affirming that Democrats endorse Roe v. Wade, which they consider to be a long-standing established law protecting women’s autonomy in making healthcare decisions.
Cardin argued against subjecting this right to the actions of state legislatures and maintained that the decision should be a personal one made by women in consultation with their doctors and families, free from external influence.
However, at least one GOP contender, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, expressed his hesitation to support Pence’s proposal. Christie, who recently announced his presidential candidacy, affirmed his support for the Dobbs decision but voiced opposition to a federal ban on abortion until a national consensus on the matter is achieved.
Christie explained that conservatives, including himself, have advocated for the past 50 years that abortion is not a federal matter but rather a state issue, allowing each state to make its determination an opportunity presented by the Dobbs case a year ago, according to Christie’s statement during the This Week program on Sunday.
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