In addition to two impeachments, former President Donald Trump holds the dubious distinction of being the only president to be charged both federally and locally.
Republicans have mostly stood by the former president and criticized his legal troubles as unjust, biased, and—possibly the most absurd claim of all—as election tampering, despite the appearance of strong evidence in his indictments.
Why Pardoning Trump Would Be A Betrayal
President Joe Biden, though, has a compelling case for forgiving Trump. Centrists are understandably disappointed and appalled by the bitter political climate in the country, and some have suggested that a pardon for the federal papers case could help the country move toward reconciliation.
Some people believe that Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign as a “uniter” will make him more credible in that role.
Additionally, they contend that a pardon would negate the absurd assertion that the federal government is turning its citizens into weapons.
Others think that by showing President Joe Biden some charity toward Donald Trump, he may unite the nation and win over independents.
President Joe Biden’s pardoning of Donald Trump would be seen as a sign of weakness not only by the progressives who are still not entirely behind the President, but also by the MAGA base.
Trump is not a gracious victor, and Joe Biden would not be praised for such behaviour. Trump will assert his win, innocence, and continued political persecution by Joe Biden, who granted him clemency.
Read more: Donald Trump Allocates $5.5 Million As Initial Step To Fulfill E. Jean Carroll Judgment
The Intricacies Of Government Functioning

Trump will continue to claim that this incident was intended to make him look bad politically and prevent him from winning the presidency.
And the government will continue to function like conjoined twins with schizophrenia.
Politically, Joe Biden might lose the support he now has inside the Democratic Party if he pardons Trump.
Many Democratic activists want to see the wealthy and powerful held to the same standards as the rest of the population.
Read more: President Joe Biden Remains Resolute: Expects Meeting With Xi Amid Dictators Controversy