Tennessee Republican representative Tim Burchett alleges a government cover-up of a supposed UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.
Congressman Burchett has publicly expressed his conviction in the existence of extraterrestrial life and has accused the United States government of deliberately concealing pertinent information regarding incidents involving unidentified flying objects (UFOs).
Government Probes Roswell UFO Crash
In particular, the congressman singled out the military’s management of the alleged Roswell incident, which involved a purported UFO crash in July 1947. In response to an inquiry from the General Accounting Office (GAO), the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force conducted an investigation in 1994.
The objective of the GAO investigation was to ascertain whether the U.S. Air Force or any federal agency had withheld information pertaining to the alleged crash and the retrieval of an extraterrestrial craft and its occupants.
The resulting report determined that the recovered debris originated from a classified balloon-borne research project called MOGUL, conducted by the U.S. Army Air Force. Furthermore, the report refuted claims of alien bodies at Roswell, asserting that they were Air Force personnel who perished or sustained injuries while on active duty.
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Burchett Doubts Credibility of Military Intelligence

Despite these findings, Burchett remains unconvinced by the report and expresses doubt regarding the credibility of military intelligence, likening it to the ethics of the congressional body.
Burchett refers to the Roswell incident, alleging that the military initially acknowledged the retrieval of a flying saucer but later retracted the statement, presenting a fragment of a hot air balloon as evidence instead. He questions the veracity of the military’s explanation, as the hot air balloon was purportedly part of a highly classified program at the time.
The Air Force News Special Report clarifies that the military operations in the New Mexico desert encompassed the launch and recovery of high-altitude research balloons. It asserts that the “aliens” observed were, in fact, anthropomorphic test dummies carried by high-altitude balloons for scientific research purposes.
A 2022 report indicates a total of 510 documented sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), signifying a significant increase compared to the previous year. Some of these sightings exhibited unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities, necessitating further analysis.
Burchett recently disclosed to NewsNation his belief that the government has been withholding information about UFOs since the 1940s. He expresses a lack of trust in the government, emphasizing an arrogance that he believes the American public can handle.
In conclusion, Burchett’s statements convey his skepticism toward official explanations regarding UFO incidents and his belief that the government is withholding additional information that should be disclosed.
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