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Q&A Addresses The Struggles By 12 Million US Homes Amid SNAP Benefit Reductions

Many Americans struggle to afford healthful food and wholesome meals. When the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP benefit —previously known as food stamps—was curtailed in 35 states this spring, this issue—known as food insecurity—was already becoming worse. 

Hilary Seligman, a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, was questioned by SciLine about the rising cost of groceries, the myths surrounding hunger in the United States, and how food insecurity affects academic and professional performance.

Health and Nutrition Compromises Of SNAP Benefit Reductions

The United States Department of Agriculture defines food insecurity as having limited or uncertain access to enough food for a healthy life.

According to the most recent data, there may be food insecurity in one in ten American homes. 

And among some groups, such as Black and Brown households and homes with children, this rate is significantly higher.

It is obvious that households have to stretch their food budgets even more when food prices increase. 

People must make challenging decisions on the type and quantity of food they consume.

People frequently have to switch their purchases to less expensive foods when their household funds are tight. 

And in the United States, cheaper foods are nearly usually less nutrient- and vitamin dense, higher in calories, and less beneficial for you.

Read more: SNAP Benefits Application: Find Out Your Status In Select States For 2023

Shelf-Stable Options Often Lack Nutritional Value

Many Americans struggle to afford healthful food and wholesome meals. When the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP benefit —previously known as food stamps—were curtailed in 35 states this spring, this issue—known as food insecurity—was already becoming worse.

Food insecurity, whether it affects children, adults, or elderly persons, has been shown to have a significant negative influence on both physical and mental health during the past few decades.

These less expensive foods frequently have a high level of processing, are poorly nutritive, and are shelf-stable. 

Furthermore, we are aware that certain foods are detrimental to long-term health. They put people at risk for developing cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and weight gain.

We also recognize that it might be challenging to finance additional healthy living expenses when you live in a food-insecure family.

Read more: SNAP Benefit Modifications Raise Concerns About Hunger Crisis

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