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Wuhan Scientists Engaged in Creating Highly Dangerous Coronavirus Prior to Pandemic

Chinese scientists in Wuhan allegedly collaborated with the military to merge the deadly Coronavirus before the COVID-19 outbreak, as claimed on Sunday.

According to investigators who conducted an analysis of intercepted communications and scientific research, Chinese scientists were found to be operating a clandestine project at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Risky Bat Coronavirus Experiments at Wuhan Institute

As per an investigation conducted by The Sunday Times, US investigators suspect that one of the reasons for the lack of published information about the project is its collaboration with researchers affiliated with the Chinese military.

The newspaper’s examination of numerous documents, including confidential reports, internal memos, scientific papers, and email correspondences, revealed that the institute in Wuhan was conducting increasingly risky experiments on coronaviruses obtained from bat caves in southern China.

Initially, scientists worldwide believed that the outbreak had a natural origin. However, in recent years, the theory of a lab leak gained credibility, with the FBI supporting this notion.

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Enhanced Infectivity Program Suspected in COVID-19 Creation

Chinese scientists in Wuhan allegedly collaborated with the military to merge the deadly Coronavirus before the COVID-19 outbreak, as claimed on Sunday.


The Sunday Times reported that the institute ceased to disclose its findings publicly in 2016, following the discovery of a new type of coronavirus in a mineshaft located in Mojiang, Yunnan province, where individuals had succumbed to symptoms resembling SARS. However, these fatalities were not reported.

According to an investigator cited by the newspaper, “The trail of papers starts to go dark” precisely when the classified program commenced. The investigator further opined that the cover-up of the Mojiang incident was likely due to military secrecy concerning the army’s pursuit of dual-use capabilities in virological biological weapons and vaccines.

US investigators allegedly believe that the classified program aimed to enhance the infectivity of viruses from the mineshaft in humans and may have inadvertently led to the creation of the  COVID-19  virus, which subsequently leaked into the city of Wuhan due to a laboratory accident.

A statement from one of the investigators indicates that there is growing evidence suggesting the involvement of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the origin, spread, and concealment of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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