Shortly after neighborhood cops saw an object fall from the sky, a resident of Las Vegas reported having an alien contact in his backyard.
An officer’s body camera showed a bright, glowing object piercing the sky.
Las Vegas Resident Reports Alien Encounter
A resident reported seeing something 100% not human peering at him from his backyard to 911 around 40 minutes later. Police’s probe into the paranormal produced no solutions.
The family was scared when the caller described huge, shiny-eyed beings and after receiving the call, two cops arrived and questioned the witnesses.
The policeman said that an earlier witness had reported seeing something fall from the sky. At approximately 11:50 pm A brilliant, glowing object was seen cutting through the sky on April 30 in body camera footage from a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police officer, according to local TV station 8 News Now.
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Local Resident’s Bizarre Sightings

The dispatcher carefully selected her words as she explained the issue to the caller. The family was questioned by the police on their front lawn. “How did you see that?“, a police officer asks.
It was characterized as a big beast by one witness, who also noted that it was around 10 feet tall.
The officer tells them about the incident his colleague saw just before the call was made. According to a man in a robe, some family members had seen a giant item with light fall from the sky.
The police persisted in their investigation and continued to question the locals about any unusual objects they may have observed fall from the sky.
It’s crucial to remember that of the approximately 800 instances of an unexplained aerial phenomenon that the Department of Defense is tracking, only a small number have been explained.
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