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Detransitioned Navy SEAL’s Urgent Plea to Parents: Rethink Minor Gender Surgery Amid Data Incompleteness

Before letting children have minor gender surgery or utilize puberty blockers, Chris Beck (formerly known as Kristen Beck), a veteran Navy SEAL, advises parents to carefully analyze the available data.

According to Beck, who was speaking on ‘Fox News Tonight,’ 80% of kids who experience gender dysphoria or confusion prior to and during puberty eventually outgrow it.

Minors Gender Surgery and Puberty Blocker

Beck raised worry over the long-term consequences of puberty inhibitors, such as possible implications on fertility.

Speaking from personal experience, urged parents to consider the possible effects on their children before making any life-changing decisions.

Beck, formerly known as Kristin Beck, asserted that therapists are not informing parents that their children will probably outgrow their gender dysphoria.

One important statistic, he claimed, is that 80% of children with gender dysphoria will get rid of all that gender confusion by the time puberty is finished, which therapists are not discussing with parents of those children.

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Raises Awareness about the Lack of Data Disclosure

Before letting children to have minor gender surgery or utilize puberty blockers, Chris Beck (formerly known as Kristen Beck), a veteran Navy SEAL, advises parents to carefully analyze the available data.

Moreover, Beck noted that puberty blockers can affect a minor’s fertility and are irreversible.
He claimed that if a child takes puberty inhibitors when they are 13, 14, or 15 years old, they are chemically castrated.

When they get older, they won’t have children. They aren’t provided this information.

Hence, eight of those children—out of those 10—will wish to return to being simply a regular old person, but they won’t be able to.

More than half of respondents who were forwarded to gender therapists in a poll of 1,655 parents published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior in April reported feeling under pressure to transition their kids.

They belonged to the Parents of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria Kids online community. The controversial idea that the fast increase in young people who identify as transgender is the result of social contagion includes rapid onset gender dysphoria.

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