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Hope for autistic adults: cannabis as a life-changing solution

According to a study that was published in Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, medical marijuana may offer adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) a beneficial therapy option. 

The study looked at the effects of medicinal cannabis on them, and after one, three, and six months it revealed improvements in their health-related quality of life, anxiety, and sleep.

Potential Benefits Of Medical Cannabis For Autism

The study’s conclusions show that cannabis use can enhance sleep, anxiety, and depression without modifying autism’s fundamental characteristics. 

The study’s principal investigator, Simon Erridge, head of research at Sapphire Medical Clinics, stressed that more investigation is necessary to properly understand the potential advantages of medical cannabis for adults with ASD.

More than 80% of the subjects reported good tolerability of medicinal cannabis.

The researchers pointed out that medicinal marijuana might be able to solve the drawbacks of some of the drugs that are now administered to patients, like benzodiazepines and antipsychotics, both of which have a variety of negative effects.

The effects of medical cannabis on autistic kids, teens, and adults have also been studied in the past. Studies from 2018 and 2019 both showed improvements in autistic people’s quality of life, particularly in terms of despair, restlessness, and rage.

People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and those without it experience different patterns of brain development. People with autism may behave, interact, and learn in different ways from those who do not have ASD.

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Continuous Study For Medical Marijuana As ASD Relief

According to a study that was published in Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, medical marijuana (Cannabis) may offer adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) a beneficial therapy option.

Additionally, if ASD symptoms negatively impact a person’s quality of life, they might think about trying medical marijuana.

Hope is offered by a recent study for those looking for assistance and care in a neurotypical world that does not always recognize or cater to their particular requirements.

Although ASD was not mentioned in this analysis, peer-reviewed literature about cannabis as an ASD treatment was examined in 2019. 

The authors came to the conclusion that there was not enough solid proof that cannabis lessened ASD symptoms.

Other research and anecdotal evidence, however, indicate that cannabis may be advantageous for persons who experience particular ASD symptoms. 

For instance, authors of a 2021 study came to the conclusion that cannabis and the natural plant chemicals known as cannabinoids might work as an alternate treatment for ASD symptoms.

Read more: Smoking Marijuana May Affect Your Sperm Count, Study Finds

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