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The Cost of Addiction: CDC’s Startling Numbers Show Over 100,000 American Deaths from Drug Overdoses in 2022

According to new CDC data, 2022 overtook 2021 as the deadliest year on record for drug overdose deaths in the United States with more than 100,000 fatalities.

The CDC estimated 109,680 individuals died from drug overdoses in 2022, according to a tentative report that was made public on Wednesday. The number also shows that overdose deaths in the United States have plateaued and are no longer increasing, although being a little higher than the death toll from 2021 of 109,179.

Over 100,000 Drug Overdose Deaths in 2022

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of overdose deaths increased, going from 71,000 in 2019 to over 90,000 in 2020, and then surpassing 100,000 for the first time in 2021.

An enormous increase in illegal immigration across the US-Mexico border in recent years has corresponded with the surge in fatalities. The situation has also been exacerbated by drug traffickers’ widespread use of lethal fentanyl.

Because it is very inexpensive to create, drug traffickers are increasingly adding fentanyl—a synthetic opioid that is many times stronger than heroin—to already-existing items to artificially boost supply.

While purchasing a drug, buyers frequently are not aware that fentanyl has been added, which results in frequent overdoses.

The fact that most fentanyl is synthesized in China before being transported to South America and across the border has caused substantial tension between Beijing and Washington, D.C.

The Treasury Department claims that two Chinese firms and four Chinese nationals are supplying precursor chemicals to drug gangs in Mexico for the synthesis of illicit fentanyl intended for US markets, but China retaliated against the US in April over the sanctions.

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A Sobering Wake-Up Call for Action and Hope 

According to new CDC data, 2022 overtook 2021 as the deadliest year on record for drug overdose deaths in the United States with more than 100,000 fatalities.

The alarming data from the CDC serves as a wake-up call, a sharp reminder of the urgent need for increased efforts to combat addiction and address the underlying problems that fuel its prevalence.

It is a call to action for decision-makers, healthcare professionals, and communities to band together in their dedication to preventing drug overdose deaths and lessening their terrible effects.

There is hope for a future when the number of lives lost to drug overdoses can be significantly decreased by working together, increasing awareness, and putting evidence-based policies into practice. The road ahead is surely long and difficult.

Acting now is necessary because every life lost is too many, and every person battling addiction deserves a chance at treatment, healing, and a better future.

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