The Social Security Administration (SSA) is a US government agency responsible for administering various social security programs that provide benefits to eligible individuals and their families.
Other beneficiaries include Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), retired workers, and users of Supplemental Security Income.
People who have not reached full retirement age but are no longer able to engage in substantial gainful activity or work, are eligible for SSDI compensation.
Qualifications for SSI of Non-US Resident Applicants
A person must show they have a severe sickness, have undergone treatment for it for at least a year, or have a condition for which there is no known cure in order to qualify as a beneficiary.
In order to prove that you made the appropriate contributions to benefits during your working life, you must present proof of your qualifying employment history.
The SSA will cease paying benefits if you are gone for more than six months.
You must disclose any trip lasting 30 days or longer to the SSA because the SSA views any stay outside the US or its territories that lasts more than 30 days as residency outside the country rather than just a visit.
The appeals procedure is where the majority of Social Security disability applications are successful.
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Attorneys Can Help Social Security Applicants For The Appeals

According to data, applicants for disability benefits who are represented by attorneys at the hearing level have a twofold higher chance of being accepted than applicants who attend their hearings unrepresented.
An experienced attorney can make arrangements for you to take the necessary medical tests in time for your hearing since they are aware of the requirements you must meet in order to be approved for your particular medical condition.
You might get assistance from a lawyer in getting ready to testify about your medical condition during your hearing.
If you’ve already been in front of an administrative law judge (ALJ) and were denied benefits, an attorney from Nolo’s network can help you take your claim to the next level of appeal (the Appeals Council), and even to the final level of appeal (federal court).
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