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8 mysterious signals possibly from aliens detected by AI algorithm

Eight new radio signals have now been discovered by a AI algorithm technique emanating from five stars 30 to 90 lightyears away. 

We can’t say for sure that the signals aren’t coming from extraterrestrials, even though it’s unlikely.

Over the last ten years, powerful, millisecond-long flashes of energy from deep space have baffled scientists. 

AI Algorithm Methods

These fast radio bursts, or FRBs, are believed by some scientists to originate from natural sources like newly formed neutron stars or black holes. 

Some believe they could be signals from extraterrestrial civilizations.

There is little doubt that FRBs are more common than we initially thought. 

In the most recent finding, researchers using a $100 million program called Breakthrough Listen employed artificial intelligence to find dozens of FRBs originating from FRB 121102, a source that is yet unidentified in a galaxy 3 billion light-years from Earth.

The same AI method could assist astronomers in discovering new fast radio burst sources that are repeatable and farther from Earth than FRB 121102. 

According to Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb, who serves as the Breakthrough Prize Foundation’s science theory director, astronomers may be able to observe nearby repeater sources with optical and X-ray telescopes.

Read more: Scientists Predict Possible Alien Contact With Earth In 2029 Through NASA Probe

Examining the Variety of Signals using Ai Algorithm

Eight new radio signals have now been discovered by a AI algorithm technique emanating from five stars 30 to 90 lightyears away.

The team behind Breakthrough Listen has already begun to look beyond short radio bursts. 

It is creating the program to examine a wider variety of signals from nearby stars and galaxies that are equally intriguing. 

When it comes to this situation, robust pattern recognition capabilities may be especially useful because no one is exactly sure what an alien signal may look like.

In the future, AI will be capable of far more than just filtering radio transmissions. 

Shostak hypothesizes that AI, which now makes it possible to scan the Internet for kitten and dog videos, may eventually be able to automatically analyze telescope photographs for peculiar visual traits that could signify enormous alien megastructures from either current or past civilizations. 

Read more: The AI Patent Controversy: Supreme Court’s Decision And Its Consequences

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