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Electricity sector makes strides towards sustainability, fossil fuels emissions to fall

In the absence of a worldwide economic downturn or pandemic, it would be the first annual decline in the use of fossil fuels like oil and gas to produce power.

By accounting for more than a third of all carbon emissions connected to energy in 2021, the production of electricity is the single biggest cause of global warming.

Eliminating fossil fuels prevents climate change

Therefore, it is believed that phasing out coal, oil, and gas in this sector is essential to preventing dangerous levels of climate change.

This new analysis examines data from nations that account for 93% of the world’s electricity usage.

Ember’s Global Energy Review’s fourth edition shows that great progress is now being achieved in minimizing the use of fossil fuels in the production of electricity.

The main developments include the continued growth of solar and wind energy as sources of commercially feasible electricity.

Solar usage increased 24% globally in 2017, more than enough to satisfy South Africa’s annual needs.

In 2022, renewable energy sources—including nuclear and hydropower—produced 39% of the world’s electricity.

Following the analysis, the electricity generated last year was actually the cleanest ever.

Nonetheless, as coal consumption increased, the sector’s carbon emissions also kept rising.

The authors of the research claim that this is because there was an increase in the overall demand for power and not all of it was supplied by clean sources.

According to the analysis, however, demand will outpace wind and solar growth in 2023, starting a shift away from greenhouse gas emissions.

Although it is anticipated that there will be a modest decrease in fossil fuel emissions from power this year—roughly 0.3%—the authors are confident that the decline will continue and amplify in the coming years.

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Technology for Renewable Energy

That would be the first annual fall in fossil fuel power generation without a global recession or pandemic.

Yet, reducing our dependency on fossil fuels and shifting to renewable energy sources is one of the most efficient methods to prevent climate change.

The good news is that technologies for renewable energy have advanced quickly in recent years, making them more available and affordable.

Renewable energy sources including solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and biomass can all be used in place of fossil fuels to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

One of the most promising renewable energy sources is solar energy, which is also one of the least expensive sources of electricity in many regions of the world.

Solar technological advancements have made it possible to use solar panels to generate electricity even in cities and in poor light.

Also, the price of solar panels has significantly decreased, making them more affordable for individuals, companies, and governments.

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