As per NASA space experts, a massive black hole is racing across space and leaving a 200,000-light-year-long trail of brand-new stars in its wake.
The gigantic behemoth, tearing through the void and slicing through gas clouds in its path, was probably created as the result of an odd game of intergalactic pool.
NASA Space Telescope
This gas is being formed into a contrail of new stars, which NASA’s mighty Hubble Space Telescope has photographed as a result of the enormous forces at work.
According to researchers, the black hole’s speed is likely causing the gas to be heated and blasted.
Professor van Dokkum, the supersonic, extremely high-velocity collision of the black hole passing through the gas shocks the gas in front of it.
The black hole is equivalent to 20 million of our Suns in weight.
Scientists said it was kicked out of a celestial ménage à trois when it started its rampage.
In accordance with the current idea, two galaxies likely combined 50 million years ago, bringing together two supermassive black holes that peacefully spun around one another.
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Astronomers Puzzle Over Origin of Star Streak

The result is a supermassive black hole racing across the universe, but don’t worry, it’s still not even close to where we have to worry about it on Earth. Astronomers are not sure whether the star streak was created by the one who crashed into the pair or whether it replaced one of the original orbiting pairs.
Per NASA, the star line is most likely being produced as the orphaned black hole accelerates through cosmic gas.
One of them was eventually ejected at a high speed, fast enough to cover a distance similar to that between the Earth and the Moon in under 14 minutes, as a result of a third galaxy crashing in with its own black hole. This unstable and chaotic scene was caused by the third galaxy.
According to astronomers, there is no reason for alarm on Earth because everything is so far away.
It was also a very long time ago, during a time when the cosmos was just half as old as it is now.
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