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Royal Mail April Fool’s day prank: Telling all the striking employees they would receive an 11% wage increase

Royal Mail executives were obliged to issue an apology for their nasty April Fool’s Day joke in which a manager informed striking employees they would receive a sizable wage raise.

The letter stated that following a contentious dispute over wages and working conditions, Royal Mail and the Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) had “reached an agreement.”

Royal Mail April Fools’ Letter

All employees would receive an 11% pay increase on Tuesday, with benefits retroactive to April 2022. 

In addition, it stated that a recruitment push to hire 10,000 telegram boys will begin today, despite reports that 10,000 jobs at the postal companies are anticipated to be eliminated by August.

After learning that the poster was fake, a furious employee posted it online.
The prank was deemed nasty and tone-deaf by the CWU.

The letter was delivered not long after news surfaced that the CWU was getting ready to set fresh strike dates because it was unable to come to an understanding with Royal Mail about employee pay.

According to the Royal Mail, the manager who orchestrated the prank later apologized, and a company spokeswoman expressed regret for any upset caused by this mistaken April Fool’s joke.

And the manager who had originally drafted the letter came under fire from postal workers, who labeled him a “terrible human being” and said they should be ashamed of themselves. Others demanded his dismissal.

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Workers Express Their Anger

Royal Mail bosses apologized for their ‘nasty’ April Fool’s Day joke in which a manager told striking workers they would get a big rise.

Since their wage position is not a laughing matter and is stressing out the workforce, they stated the joke was unprofessional.

“We’re not that lucky, and the manager is the sole fool for even thinking he’s being humorous,“ one employee wrote. 

Another person remarked, “Extremely unprofessional given the amount of stress this scenario is causing.” A third participant said, “Very unprofessional.”

“I ain’t laughing. These should be carried out. Terrible individual,” remarked a fourth.

Another person concurred, stating, “No bosses should make jokes at our expense given what they’ve been a part of, April Fool’s Day or not,” while a third said, “Holy Christ.” It is moderately amusing, but read the room, guy.’

Others, however, were perplexed as to why certain employees were so enraged, as one individual stated, “I see something like this virtually every day. It’s a joke, otherwise, it would be considered banter in our company.”

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