The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States recently declared a multistate Salmonella Infantis epidemic with a probable link to flour, as most infected individuals reported consuming raw dough or batter made with flour before becoming ill.
Twelve instances have been documented, beginning from December 22 to February 13 of 2022.
Salmonella Outbreak
There have been three hospitalizations with no known fatalities. Patients range in age from 12 to 81 years old, and 92% are female. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that the number of sick people is likely far greater, as many recover without medical attention.
Six of the seven individuals questioned about their dietary exposures prior to becoming ill reported eating dough or batter. The only common ingredient was flour, and health officials are conducting trace-back investigations to determine if a common brand was used.
The majority of people who became ill consumed uncooked dough or batter prior to becoming ill. As flour was the sole common ingredient, investigators are currently attempting to identify the culpable flour brand.
Most flour is unprocessed, explained the agency. Any raw (unbaked) flour used to make dough or batter is potentially contaminated with salmonella.
These pathogens are eliminated only when flour is baked or cooked. E. coli infection is also a risk for those who consume uncooked flour. The CDC highlighted the example of Harlee, an 11-year-old Utah girl who was hospitalized with E. coli after consuming raw cake mix contaminated with the bacteria.
As the weekend progressed, Harlee was soon unable to sleep due to the pain. On Monday, her mother Erin took her to the doctor, where she was prescribed antibiotics. Yet, things only grew worse.
Erin eventually went to the emergency department, where physicians diagnosed her with a severe E. coli infection and admitted her.
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CDC Warns To Avoid Eating Raw Batter

To avoid food illness, the CDC recommends avoiding even little amounts of raw dough or batter.
Also, experts recommend using heat-treated flour in homemade playdough recipes. If surfaces, dishes, or utensils come into touch with unprocessed flour, they must also be cleaned. Non-cookable foods should be stored separately.
According to the CDC, the majority of salmonella-infected individuals will develop diarrhea, fever, and stomach pains.
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