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What happens to your body if you do not drink water during the day?

We all know how important it is to drink water throughout the day, but far too many of us forget until dehydration sets in.

According to Mitchell Naficy, MD, a board-certified family physician, staying adequately hydrated will help you maintain a healthy body and mind, as well as prevent dehydration-related health concerns.

Health Advantages Of Drinking Enough Water

  • Aids in the enhancement of physical performance
  • Has a significant impact on energy levels and brain function.
  • May aid in the prevention and treatment of headaches
  • Constipation relief may be possible.
  • It could aid in the treatment of kidney stones.
  • It aids in the prevention of hangovers.
  • It aids in the prevention of hangovers.

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Consequences Of Not Drinking Water Throughout The Day

We all know how important it is to drink water throughout the day, but far too many of us forget until dehydration sets in.

1. Change in toilet habits

Changes in the restroom, in addition to thirst, are among the earliest indicators of dehydration. You’ll pee less frequently, and the color of your urine will likely shift from a light yellow (indicating excellent hydration) to a darker yellow or perhaps an amber-brown. If this happens, it should serve as a wake-up call to drink up.

2. Dizziness, headaches, and weariness

When you don’t drink enough water throughout the day, you may feel dizzy, get a headache, or become fatigued, according to Naficy. This is only one example of how “your body is alerting you that it needs fluids to function properly,” he says.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, drinking water, sleeping, and taking over-the-counter pain medications can usually help a dehydration headache improve. But, dizziness may signify a more serious problem, according to their experts.

3. Vision problems

When you don’t drink water throughout the day, you may notice changes in your ocular health and vision.

“This, in turn, can result in dry eye, eyestrain, and vision problems such as irritation, excess watering, blurred vision, or a feeling of a foreign body in the eye,” says Besty S. Jacob, OD, a Florida-based optometrist at True Eye Experts. “Without sufficient tears to nourish the eyes, they may be more prone to infections.”

Dehydration, according to Jacob, can induce fatigued eyes, impaired vision, headaches, and double vision.

4. Prone to heat stroke

According to Naficy, failing to sufficiently drink on hot days can result in an acute health event. He says that when your body is dehydrated, it can’t release heat as rapidly, causing it to overheat and cause heat stroke.

While rehydrating or finding a cooler place might help alleviate the symptoms of heat stroke while you wait for treatment, the Mayo Clinic recommends seeing a doctor.

5. Risking blood pressure

Not drinking enough water during the day may also result in a decrease in blood volume or the quantity of fluid in your blood vessels.

Even mild dehydration, according to Naficy, can produce a decrease in blood volume, resulting in lightheadedness, pallor, and low blood pressure.

6. Poor skin condition

Skin issues are also common among persons who do not drink enough water. Dehydration can also lead to wrinkles and uneven skin tone.

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