Emergency allotments for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits issued during the COVID-19 pandemic are set to expire soon, which means that recipients who qualified for the extra cash would see their monthly payments drop by $95 or more.
The Food Research & Action Center warned last year that the removal of emergency allotments may result in a “hunger cliff for millions of people,” with monthly SNAP benefits falling from $281 to $23, according to the organization.
Emergency Allocation benefits have already been terminated in eighteen states. Participants in those states’ Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, have already had to adapt their grocery budgets. Here are what you can do if you’ve been impacted by the cut?
Anticipate Fewer SNAP Benefits
Food stamp benefits may potentially be reduced for Social Security claimants. SNAP payments are decided by income, and Social Security users just received an 8.7% rise in the cost of living allowance (COLA) to help keep up with inflation. This SSI rise, however, may result in fewer SNAP benefits.
Consult Your State Agency
Check with the state agency in charge of SNAP distributions in your area. Check that your records accurately represent your current income, housing costs, and other permissible expenses.
You can deduct recurring medical costs that exceed $35 per month if you live with a disabled person or an adult aged 60 or older. Take all of the allowed deductions because they may entitle you to a higher monthly SNAP payment, which might help offset the loss of EA cash.
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Send A Letter To Your State Legislature

Some states are thinking about raising SNAP allotments using their own money. According to AARP, New Jersey will provide SNAP users with an additional $95 in food assistance benefits over the federal requirement of $23 per month.
Explore How To Reduce Your Food Budget
Take an honest look at your food budget and needs after you’ve examined your application to verify you’re receiving the benefits you’re entitled to. Using shopping apps like Honey, which searches the internet for the greatest prices and coupon codes, you may be able to save money.
Many dollar stores, like Dollar General, are now selling fresh produce, eggs, and milk to help buyers stretch their shopping budgets – and these stores frequently accept SNAP EBT payments.
Get Assistance Via Other Programs
Local food pantries, generally organized by churches, schools, or other organizations, may be able to provide you with pantry essentials, non-perishable foods, and even domestic goods like paper towels and toilet paper.
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