Based on the last digit of their case number, residents of Ohio who are eligible for food stamps, also known as Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program (SNAP) benefits, receive their payments from the second to the twentieth of every month.
A federal program called SNAP offers low-income households nutrition benefits. The Department of Jobs and Family Services is responsible for managing SNAP in Ohio (DJFS).
SNAP Benefits Online Application
Income and household size determine who is eligible for Ohio’s SNAP program. You have two options for applying for SNAP benefits: online at Benefits.Ohio.gov or by mailing a paper application to the county SNAP office. Additionally, Ohio Benefit Bank accepts SNAP applications online.
After receiving SNAP approval, your Ohio Direction Card, the state of Ohio’s version of an EBT card, is linked to SNAP accounts that receive monthly payments.
SNAP recipients can receive discounts on some goods and services. For $6.99 per month, Ohio SNAP recipients can subscribe to Amazon Prime EBT at a discounted rate.
Additionally, you can use your EBT card to get free or reduced admission to hundreds of zoos, aquariums, and museums nationwide, including COSI and the Columbus Museum of Art in Ohio. The federal Lifeline program, which offers free or inexpensive landline or cell phone service, is another fantastic benefit.
According to the last digit of your case number, benefits are deposited onto Ohio Direction Cards between the second and the twentieth of each month.
Read more: Boost your Social Security benefits at $4,555 per month! Here’s how!
When To Start Receiving Food Stamps?

Depending on the SNAP schedule in your state, the payment for March should be sent on the same day as payments from previous months. The US Department of Agriculture splits the cost of running the program with each state and territory while covering the full cost of SNAP benefits. Your state or territory determines when you receive your SNAP benefits.
Many SNAP recipients will receive lower payments this month. The SNAP recipients who qualified for the additional funds will see a reduction in their monthly payments of at least $95 per month since the final emergency allotments for the pandemic era were distributed in February.
If you are eligible, SNAP benefits will be deposited into your account each month. Once your application for benefits has been accepted, the SNAP agency in your state will send you an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card, though some states may use a different name for the cards. EBT cards are linked to SNAP accounts and work exactly like debit cards.
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