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NASA’s orbiter captures a teddy-bear-like feature on Mars; Could this be a sign of life on the planet?

NASA has found the next best thing as we continue our hunt for extraterrestrial life on Mars: a bear-face-shaped rock formation.

The rocky surface of the Red Planet is covered in craters, canyons, and volcanoes, which together create a breathtaking panorama.

NASA Captures Unusual Feature On Mars

The unusual topography can sometimes result in formations that are downright bizarre and even frightening, such as the human visage illusion generated by a rock formation that was caught by the Viking 1 spacecraft in 1976. This image was taken on Mars.

Now, NASA has discovered what may be considered the prettiest piece of landscape on Mars, a section of the planet that looks like the face of a bear.

A new photograph obtained by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) reveals what appears to be a teddy bear-like creature on Mars smiling at the satellite that is operated by NASA.

According to the University of Arizona, which operates the powerful camera known as the High-Resolution Imaging Experiment, or HiRISE, that is attached to the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), the cute face is the product of three nearby unique landforms.

There is a hill that has a collapsed structure in the shape of a V that looks to be the nose, two craters that look like button eyes, and a circular fracture pattern that appears to be the head of the creature.

The experts believe that the latter could be caused by the settling of a deposit over a buried impact crater, while the nose could be a volcanic or mud vent, and the deposit could be caused by lava or mudflows.

The image was taken by the MRO at the tail end of last year when it sailed approximately 251 kilometers above Mars.

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Is There Life On Red Planet?

NASA-Mars-MRO-Space-Tech-US News
NASA has found the next best thing as we continue our hunt for extraterrestrial life on Mars: a bear-face-shaped rock formation.

According to a statement that was published on the HiRISE blog by the University of Arizona, It’s likely just a broken-up hill in the center of an ancient crater. It should come as no surprise that individuals have observed bears and human faces on the surface of Mars.

In 2009, observers saw a feature that looked like a hand in an image taken by NASA of a spinning neutron star that was about 17,000 light-years away from Earth and was surrounded by a cloud of intense particles.

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) captured a photograph of a crater on Mars in 2011 that appeared to be smiling for some reason.

Are all of these images just examples of people projecting meaning onto the rocks, peaks, and valleys of the red planet, or is Mars actually attempting to communicate with us in some way?

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