There are several potential causes of dehydration to consider if you believe you’re drinking enough water but still feel dehydrated.
Maintaining a consistent level of hydration is essential to avoid severe internal issues. Despite drinking enough water, you may still feel dehydrated for the following reasons.
Replenish Your Electrolytes
While being physically active is a great way to keep your body healthy and strong, sweating can cause you to lose water. For instance, if you go to the gym four to five times per week, you will require more water than someone who only goes once per week. Consequently, you sweat more and burn more calories during your workouts, causing you to lose electrolytes.
If you do not replenish lost electrolytes, you may develop symptoms of dehydration. In addition, dehydration caused by consistent exercise can make you feel weak during workouts and daily activities. On the other hand, you will also need to stay hydrated if you don’t exercise daily but live in a hot climate that causes you to perspire profusely.
If you’re not used to it, drinking large quantities of water can help you stay hydrated. Nevertheless, you may have an electrolyte imbalance if you feel dehydrated despite drinking excessively. It is common to lose electrolytes throughout the day, so it is important to replenish them.
Fruits and vegetables that retain water, such as bananas, apples, apricots, and celery, are essential for replenishing electrolytes. However, drinking too much plain water can still cause thirst, which indicates that electrolytes such as sodium, magnesium, and potassium that our cells require are being flushed out.
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Certain Drugs May Cause Dehydration

Taking medication helps with a variety of bodily issues, but it may cause you to feel dehydrated despite drinking copious amounts of water. According to Northwestern Medicine, laxatives, antihistamines, diuretics, chemotherapies, and blood pressure, medications can affect hydration.
Typically, alkaline water has a pH of 8.0 or greater, making it less acidic than tap water. It also contains calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which provide additional health benefits.
Alkaline water with a pH of 8.0 or above neutralizes acidic waste products in the body by balancing the pH and neutralizing the acidity in the body.
Alkaline water also possesses antioxidant properties, which can help the body neutralize harmful free radicals.
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