The demand for diabetes medicine has increased significantly recently, clashing with concerns about the world’s supply. Together, they caused an Ozempic shortage.
The new drug, which was initially created to treat diabetes but also aids in weight loss, is being dubbed the “Hollywood diet secret.”
Essential Diabetes Medicine Being Used For Weight Loss
Millions of people on social media speculate that the Kardashians and other celebrities are using medicines to lose weight quickly.
The injectable drugs were initially intended to aid people with diabetes, but many people who do not have the condition use them to reduce their weight.
One woman who spoke to NewsNation claims the medicine has altered her life. While traveling Mounjaro, Kelsey shed close to 40 pounds since September and “just knew” she needed to change her lifestyle.
Wegovy shortages, which are also very common, were common last year. As a result, some patients who were taking Wegovy were given Ozempic instead, which was not intended to be used for weight loss. For some like Largent-Phillips, who depend on medication to control their chronic disease, this is a concern.
Insulin is not adequately utilized by the body in those with Type 2 diabetes. A hormone called insulin instructs body cells to take up glucose, sometimes known as sugar, from the blood. High blood sugar levels occur from the sugar remaining in the blood if the body is unable to utilize it properly.
Ozempic mimics an internal hormone that controls insulin levels. It is a GLP-1 agonist, a class of medication. The medication is self-administered weekly as an injection.
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Risk Of Taking Ozempic

Without treatment, those with Type 2 diabetes run the danger of experiencing blood sugar surges that might trigger major health issues like heart disease, renal disease, hearing loss, and stroke.
According to Dr. Marcio Griebeler, an endocrinologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, some patients had to visit many pharmacies before they could locate Ozempic due to supply constraints. He claimed that in other situations, patients were compelled to take a lower dose since that was the only one that was available.
According to Griebeler, it isn’t “optimal” because people could not react the same way they did on the greater dose.
Dr. Susan Spratt, an endocrinologist and senior medical director for the Population Health Management Office at Duke Health in North Carolina, if a patient is unable to obtain the prescription at all, their only option is to switch to a different treatment, which may not be as effective.
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