The growing cost of eggs in the United States is straining household finances. In recent years, Americans have boosted their consumption of eggs while decreasing their consumption of beef and venison, according to data from the United States Department of Agriculture.
As demand for eggs has increased, output in the United States has decreased due to the ongoing bird flu outbreak.
Prices Of Eggs Increased
As of January 6, the USDA reported that about 58 million birds were infected with avian flu, making it the deadliest outbreak in U.S. history. Infected birds must be slaughtered, which reduces egg supplies and drives up prices.
In California, the average price of a dozen eggs hit $7.37 last week, up from $2.50 a year ago, according to recent data.
The average national wholesale egg price per dozen is now $3.30, the USDA said last week. According to the most recent data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the average price of a dozen eggs in U.S. cities reached a new high of $3.58 in November.
Sharp predicted that prices will not decline again until fresh chicks are hatched without the virus and reach egg-laying age. According to USDA data, more than 300 flocks of farm-raised poultry have been affected by the disease as of last Friday.
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What Is Avian Flu?

Chickens, turkeys, pheasants, quail, domestic ducks, geese, and guinea fowl are prone to bird flu, which is transmitted by wild waterfowl such as ducks, geese, and shorebirds.
The USDA estimates that in 2014 and 2015, the disease killed more than 50 million hens and turkeys and caused $3.3 billion in economic damages during another large outbreak. The agency is now conducting research on a potential vaccine for avian flu.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States report that the risk to public health posed by avian flu remains low. As a general rule for food safety, it is recommended to cook all chicken and eggs to 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
Additionally, the price of processed eggs, which are utilized in liquid or powdered form in manufactured goods such as salad dressing, cake mix, and chips, has increased, contributing to inflationary pressures.
In December, the Consumer Price Index, a frequently followed inflation indicator, jumped 7.1% from the previous year. Energy, commodities, and used vehicle costs decline, offsetting increases in food and housing costs.
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