Samsung unveiled The Premiere, an ultra-short throw projector with 8K resolution, at CES 2023. It’s a modernized version of the 2020s 4K Premiere, a solitary box made to fit on a small table underneath and a few inches away from your wall or screen.
It can produce images up to 150 inches across using specialized lenses and video processing. A room may be fully illuminated and filled with sound thanks to built-in speakers and Dolby Atmos.
Samsung Premiere 8K Projector
It also offers Samsung’s smart TV features, including Netflix, Disney Plus, and other services, as you might anticipate.
Even while it sounds exciting to think that an 8K projector might create a big image on any wall, UST projectors aren’t as magical as they first appear to be. Here is what we currently know.
That is a 4K projector’s resolution multiplied by 4. There is currently little 8K material available, which is a problem that also affects 8K TVs. The projector will upconvert everything you provide it to 8K, so it might appear slightly clearer than a 4K projector showing a similarly sized image, but you can’t fully make use of the extra pixels without 8K content. Remember that there are other, more crucial factors affecting image quality than resolution.
Although there aren’t many 8K projectors available, the Premiere is one of them. Starting at $11,000 and rising up from there, JVC offers numerous versions. These produce 8K resolution on the screen using a pixel shifter and a 4K imaging device.
This is comparable to how most 4K projectors generate 4K, which involves taking a chip with a 1080p or lesser resolution and doubling or quintupling the imager’s pixels to produce a resolution that is nearly equivalent to 4K.
Samsung hasn’t released information on the projector’s specifications, but this is likely certainly how it produces 8K as well.
For real movie theaters and other large venues, Digital Projection provides a number of 8K models on the professional side.
A 100-inch image can be projected with a conventional projector at a distance of about 10 feet. Short-throw models can sit closer, while higher-end models can sit further away. Thanks to innovative lenses and video processing, UST projectors can produce enormous images even when placed just a few inches from a wall.
Cost and image quality are all UST projectors’ two main drawbacks. UST projectors typically cost significantly more than conventional projectors because of their elaborate designs.
A decrease, in contrast, in the ratio is the other drawback, which is also a result of how they operate. Manufacturers frequently try to compensate for UST projectors’ normally lower contrast ratios than standard projectors by dramatically raising brightness, but this doesn’t improve the image quality; it merely makes the image brighter.
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Features Assumptions

Although Samsung hasn’t provided many details on the forthcoming The Premiere, we can make some educated guesses. Both the new model and the prior model most likely use laser lighting.
This is due to the fact that lasers perform better in terms of color and light output (brightness). In contrast to the changeable lights on the majority of lower-end projectors, they often endure the whole life of the projector.
The 4K The Premiere could function as a standalone soundbar because of its built-in speakers. Since most UST projectors strive to be a one-stop shop for a room’s entertainment, this is another function that is likely to be included. Dolby Atmos will be present in the new model, but not in the previous one.
Another fair assumption is that it will be bright. A “120-inch” variant and a “130-inch” version of the 4K The Premiere were available.
Neither really came with a screen, although they could produce images as large as 100–130 inches for the latter and 90–120 inches for the former. With reported light outputs of 2,200 and 2,800, respectively, there was a disparity.
Although comparable UST projectors in the same price range are substantially brighter, these are still respectable results. For instance, the Epson LS500 costing $4,000 was advertised to produce 4,000 lumens. We anticipate an increase in lumens because Samsung claims the new model will be able to display images that are “150 inches.”
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