The IRS will soon begin issuing tax rebates, which is wonderful news for households across the US as we enter a new year.
Although the procedure can take a while, it is speeding up thanks to technology, and refunds, if any, can now be issued in just three weeks, depending on how you file your refund.
How Long Will It Take For 2023 IRS Rebates?
The 2023 IRS tax filing deadline is set for Tuesday, April 18. However, filing will begin much earlier, most likely on January 23, 2023, for online filers.
It will take between six and eight weeks for your tax return to be processed if it is correct and complete with no requests for explanations or revisions.
It’s critical to keep in mind that these deadlines start counting down from the day the IRS receives your return.
This means that issues like postal delays could make it take longer to submit your IRS return.
Depending on how you request a rebate, there are options to hasten the processing of your IRS return. If at all possible, it is advised to file your taxes electronically because the IRS processes them more quickly when this is done.
2023 Tax Filing

You can also ask for a direct deposit to speed things up even further by avoiding any delays caused by things like the mail or the delivery of checks.
You can receive your IRS tax refund in as short as three weeks if you complete your return online and ask for a direct transfer.
You can verify the status of your return if four weeks have gone by after the day it was submitted by calling the IRS TeleTax System at 1-800-829-4477.
It will go more quickly if you have the first Social Security number included on your return, the filing status, and, if you know it, the amount of the refund, accessible when you do this.
The IRS will be able to validate the date on which the refund was sent, allowing you to determine when to expect to receive it even though the refund may have already been sent in many circumstances.
Read more: Social Security update: Who’s getting an early January 2023 direct payments worth $914?