Many individuals are afraid to receive COVID-19 immunization. Meanwhile, Omicron’s anxiety increases daily.
According to media reports, a significant number of Chinese citizens are already infected with the Omicron virus.
Nasal Drop Against COVID-19
In this circumstance, it is crucial to adhere to the COVID-19 limits. The prevention of omicron should involve regular mask use and social isolation. Additionally, timely vaccines are necessary. Due to the twin fears of injection and illness, many do not wish to be vaccinated.
The current announcement by Bharat Biotech appears to allay these anxieties. The vaccine developed by Bharat Biotech is expected to change the administration of COVID-19 vaccines. The needleless vaccine will be delivered via nasal drops.
Those who have already had a booster dosage are not required to receive a second immunization.
This benefit will only accrue to those who have not yet received the booster dose.
Also, this specific nasal drop is for persons over the age of 18 who have taken Covaxin or Covishield. It has been determined that the dosage can be administered to everyone beginning in the fourth week of January.
Read more: China COVID-19 update: New coronavirus variant circulates
How Does It Work?

Through the production of neutralizing IgG, mucosal IgA, and T cell response, a nasal vaccine increases immunity. It functions at the site of entrance of the COVID-19 virus, the nasal mucosa – by eliciting a local IgA antibody response, perhaps preventing infection of the individual as well as the spread of infection to others.
It would aid in preventing the spread of even asymptomatic or mild illnesses.
Headache, fever, a runny nose, and sneezing are some of the mild side symptoms that may occur. Those who are allergic to any of its components or have had a severe allergic reaction to it in the past, as well as those with an acute infection or fever, should not receive this medication.
Read more: China dispenses Pfizer’s Paxlovid medicine for COVID-19 treatment amid significant surge in cases