Swine flu virus has been detected all over Russia, according to a report by the Federal Service for Consumer Rights Protection and Supervision of Human Welfare Rospotrebnadzo.
From April 12, 2009, to April 10, 2010, the CDC estimates that there were 60.8 million cases from 43.3 to 89.3 million. 274,304 hospitalizations between 195,086 to 402,719 and 12,469 deaths up to 8868-18.306 because of the (H1N1) pdm09 virus in the United States.
Seasonal Flu Virus Spread in Russia
Rospotrebnadzor told reporters that the most common influenza strain is still A (H1N1) 2009, registered in all regions of Russia.”
This virus is now one of the seasonal flu viruses that circulate worldwide every winter. It usually disappears within one or two weeks. Some people, especially those with underlying medical conditions, are at increased risk of serious illness.
The virus was first recognized in Mexico in April 2009. It is called swine flu because it resembles the influenza virus that infects pigs. It was a new type of influenza virus that spread rapidly from country to country because most young people had no immunity.
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More Viruses Circulate Worldwide

In addition, influenza viruses continue to dominate among, circulating respiratory viruses in Russia, accounting for 76.5% of all infections, of which the А (H1N1) 2009 strain – swine flu – dominates. , Rospotrebnadzor said in his statement.
The coronavirus situation is stable, with around 47,000 cases registered nationwide, according to Watchdog. The statement, citing Rospotrebnadzor head Anna Popova, said she ordered the situation to be constantly monitored both during and after the New Year holidays and to continue sanitary and epidemiological measures.
Overall, the outbreak was less severe than originally predicted, largely because many older people were already immune. Most cases in the UK have been relatively mild, but there have been some severe cases.
Read more: ‘Tripledemic’: Health professionals issue early flu season and risk alert