Researchers at New York University have created an Artificial intelligence (AI) technique they believe can predict the success of brain therapy better than the human eye.
The team behind this study believes this technology has the potential to improve the quality of life for brain cancer patients by allowing for more individualized care.
AI Technique
Radiotherapy failure in brain metastases is detected by the unique AI-based anticipated technique. As a result, in a circumstance where judgments must be made quickly, this will aid oncologists and patients in doing so.
When primary malignancies from the breasts, lungs or other regions of the body migrate to the brain through the bloodstream or lymphatic system, a malignant growth called a brain metastasis results.
Indeed, there are many different forms of treatment, but not all malignancies react well to radiation. In actuality, a sizable portion of cancer patients continues to experience tumor growth even after receiving treatment.
Even worse, this is frequently not identified until several months following the treatment through MRI. Patients with brain cancer could not afford such delays. Because of this, it’s critical to anticipate therapy response even before treatment begins.
The researchers have created artificial neural networks trained on a significant amount of data using machine learning techniques.
The nervous system contains intricate networks of interconnected neurons called neural networks. Neons are specialized cells to receive, process, and transmit electrochemical impulses. In addition, the nervous system is made up of both neurons and glial cells.
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Brain Therapy

Axonal and dendritic structures on neurons allow them to carry long information distances. Neurons are excitable cells. The branch-like design on the neuron’s cell body is called a dendrite. A thin membrane that can sense and receive electrochemical impulses covers the dendrites.
Another characteristic is the axon, a protracted device that carries electrochemical impulses away from the cell body. The axon is surrounded by a thick membrane.
Furthermore, a large number of mitochondria are present. Mitochondria produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a chemical linked to the release of energy. The AI was then told to focus more on a few crucial areas.
The AI features an attention mechanism that allows it to understand which aspects of the MRI pictures are more crucial, emphasizing the analysis and prediction more.
There is still a need for more research, though. According to the researchers’ early findings, AI may be essential for the precise management of brain metastases and even other cancer types.
In the following stage of their research, a larger cohort would be examined using information from numerous universities from their clinical trial.
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