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Having Dementia can be avoided by constantly studying, research reveals

Researchers from Stanford University and the University of Tokyo predicted that by 2043, there would be fewer dementia patients in Japan than in 2016 when there were 5.1 million cases.

The researchers employed cutting-edge statistical methods to create their estimates after thoroughly analyzing the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare data. 

How Could Cases Decrease?

They discovered that improvements in medical care and lifestyle elements, such as more exercise and a better diet, are probably responsible for Japan’s declining prevalence.

According to the study, 5.1 million people in Japan had dementia in 2016; by 2043, that figure could reduce to 4.65 million after data from that country was analyzed.

Including health status and educational history in the investigation led to this unexpected result.

In contrast to males who only completed high school and those with less education, men with college degrees had a 1.4% likelihood of acquiring the condition beyond the age of 65.

The corresponding percentages for women were 15.4%, 14.8%, and 24.6%. These findings imply that a person’s risk of developing dementia decreases with increasing educational attainment.

There will be 139 million sufferers globally by 2050. In comparison to the 55 million people who have the illness as of now, this is a considerable increase.

The condition known as dementia is characterized by a decline in cognitive function, which includes memory, language, and problem-solving skills. Although it occurs more frequently in older people, it can also happen to younger people on occasion due to genetics or trauma. Alzheimer’s disease is the most typical contributor to the condition.

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Link Between Dementia And Education

Researchers from Stanford University and the University of Tokyo predicted that by 2043, there would be fewer dementia patients in Japan than there were in 2016 when there were 5.1 million cases.

Given the lack of a cure and the limited number of available treatments, the anticipated increase in dementia patients is concerning. While efforts to find new therapies and maybe a drug are being made, the strain on those with dementia and those who care for them is anticipated to increase in the future years.

There is evidence to support this correlation, even if the precise relationship between schooling and dementia is still not apparent. The proportion of elderly adults with dementia has declined recently in prosperous economies.

According to a study by economist Peter Hudomiet of the American think tank Rand Corp., the percentage of Americans 65 and older who have dementia decreased from 12.2% in 2000 to 8.5% in 2016.

As the number of college graduates has increased for both men and women, Hudomiet’s team theorizes that this decline results from higher educational standards.

While having a good education may help lower your risk of getting dementia, it’s not the only one. Dementia can be brought on by several things, such as high blood pressure, depression, and protein waste-induced brain damage.

As a result, there might be various ways to stop or treat the illness. However, efforts must be taken to provide equal educational opportunities to all members of society, given the lack of effective therapies for dementia and the potential benefits of education in lowering the risk of the illness. Social changes that encourage education and lessen inequality could help with this.

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