Scientists have identified four genes that appear to contribute to an individual’s tendency to suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
Psychiatric disorders like PTSD, depression and schizophrenia have all been related to these genes in the past.
Genes Identified As Increasing Risk Of Suicidal Thoughts
As of the most current data point in time (2020), 45,979 people in the United States of America had taken their own lives. Six thousand hundred forty-six deaths were recorded among military personnel that year.
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is the second highest cause of death among American men younger than 45. Suicide attempts are more common in people with mental health issues such as depression, PTSD, or psychosis.
Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, analyzed blood samples from a database of 630,000 veterans. There are around 20,000 gene pairs in every human. Each pair is formed in the womb by inheriting a characteristic from both parents.
Changes in a person’s mental health may be the result of the varying ways their genes affect their brain, neurological system, and body. A total of 121,211 participants reported having suicidal thoughts or attempting suicide.
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Methods To Lower Risk Of Suicide

Establish Safe Zones
- Lessen the ability of suicidal people to get fatal means.
- Make sure your company has good policies and a positive culture.
- Community-based policies and practices can help cut down on drug and alcohol abuse.
Promote Positive Interactions
- Create positive norms among your peers
- Participate in group endeavors with locals.
Identify And Support People At Risk
- Equip censors with the proper skills
- Confront emergencies.
- Take precautions and arrange for follow-up in case of an attempt.
- Give Methods of Treatment
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