Pennsylvania has started sending qualified residents the one-time extra property tax/rent rebate. If you haven’t already, act quickly since Pennsylvania’s bonus tax rebate deadline is coming up soon.
Additionally, Governor Tom Wolf encouraged Pennsylvanians who are qualified for the tax credit to submit their applications by yesterday’s deadline.
How To Apply For PA Bonus Tax Rebates
Gov. Wolf suggested earlier this year to give additional money to Pennsylvanians who are old or disabled and qualify for a rebate on rent or property taxes paid in 2021.
The Property Tax/Rent Rebate (PTRR) Program provides qualified Pennsylvanians with a one-time bonus tax rebate equal to 70% of their first rebate. In addition to this one-time tax rebate, they will continue to get their annual reimbursement.
This one-time rebate’s primary objective is to provide the most vulnerable residents with additional support while they continue to recover financially from the COVID-19 pandemic. Pennsylvania will use about $140 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding to disburse the refund funds.
For people who have previously submitted an application (PA-1000) for a rebate on real estate taxes or rent paid in 2021, no further action is necessary to receive the rebate money. According to 247wallst, they will receive the tax rebate automatically.
Those who are eligible for the rebate but have not yet submitted an application must do so. Pennsylvania’s bonus tax rebate application must be submitted by December 31, 2022. Governor Wolf reminded them of the deadline in a news release on Thursday as well.
Qualified residents who haven’t applied yet may do so by visiting myPATH, the Department of Revenue’s online application system, to be considered for the extra tax rebate from Pennsylvania. Users don’t need to log in to apply using myPATH, making the process simple. A paper application for the same is also available on the website,
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Who May Apply For The Program?

This a reminder that submitting a reimbursement application is completely free. The local Area Agencies on Aging, senior centers, offices of state legislators, and district offices of the Department of Revenue are just a few locations throughout the state where free assistance is available. An additional resource for applicants seeking assistance is the department’s online customer support center.
For more information about the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program in Pennsylvania, including eligibility requirements, see the page on the Department of Revenue website.
It is important to note that those who have submitted claims for the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program for 2021 will get letters in the mail. In the letter, it will be made clear how much money in total the claimants will get back, including the initial rebate for the 2021 claim year and the one-time bonus rebate.
The program is open to Pennsylvania residents over the age of 65, widows and widowers over the age of 50, and disabled people over the age of 18. For tenants and homeowners, the maximum annual income is $15,000 and $35,000, respectively. The department’s website states that residents will receive the rebates in the same manner as before, by checks or direct deposit.
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