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Biggest US Intelligence Failure Since 9/11, Says Scientist Who Worked at EcoHealth Alliance About Wuhan Lab

Officials shuttered the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, a wet market in Wuhan, where they believed the virus may have originated, laying the framework for what would ultimately become the Chinese government’s defense for releasing this awful epidemic upon the earth. They proposed the possibility that the 2019 Novel Coronavirus or, more precisely, its zoonotic origin—may have spread from an animal to a human at a market.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci was likely the most vocal supporter of the zoonotic origin argument. Another idea concerning the virus’s origin started to take hold as cases spread around the globe.

A neighboring Biosafety Level 4 laboratory that specialized in coronaviruses, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was where some speculated the virus may have escaped.

The virus may have been boosted (artificially intensified, made more dangerous) during their trials and may have unintentionally leaked from the lab because “gain-of-function research” was being done at this location. These people were immediately classified as conspiracy theorists.

As is well known, China has consistently declined to genuinely assist with inquiries into the coronavirus’s genesis. The World Health Organization’s Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus expressed his own concerns to a European politician in June, according to a report in the U.K. Daily Mail, that the virus was released from the Wuhan lab in “a catastrophic accident” in 2019.

Dr. Andrew Huff has now come forward as a whistleblower. He worked for the EcoHealth Alliance, a now-famous research organization, from 2014 to 2016 and was named its vice president in 2015.

The U.K. media outlet The Sun received an exclusive advance copy of his new book, “The Truth About Wuhan. Huff, an Army veteran from Michigan, claimed in an interview about the book that was published by The Sun on Saturday that he worked on the “secret side of the research program as a US government scientist.”

The shocking part of his statement was that “China understood from day one that this was a genetically modified agent.” He asserted that COVID-19 was genetically altered and escaped from a lab in Wuhan. He tells the Sun that “the U.S. government is too culpable for the transfer of deadly biotechnology to the Chinese” and attributes the outbreak to American sponsorship of gain-of-function research in China.

The “largest U.S. intelligence failure since 9/11,” according to Huff, was one of the “worst cover-ups in history. Epidemiologist Huff claimed in his book that the leak was caused by the weak safety procedures used at the U.S.-funded Wuhan lab.

According to The Sun, he claimed that “EcoHealth Alliance and international laboratories did not have the required control systems in place for assuring proper biosafety, biosecurity, and risk management, which eventually led to the lab breach at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

Huff said that his group had “trained” Wuhan lab researchers on the “best practices for engineering bat coronaviruses to attack other species. I was frightened by what I witnessed. They only received bioweapon technology from us.

Nobody should be shocked that the Chinese were misled about the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak and then took tremendous measures to make it seem as though the disease spontaneously emerged, Huff told the Sun. In 2016, Huff quit EcoHealth Alliance. It was “due to a big number of ethical problems with the scientific work and EcoHealth Alliance as a whole,” Huff reportedly told The Sun.

According to Huff, there is no proof that the Chinese knowingly leaked the virus.

He does, however, assert that the American government was aware of it months before the generally acknowledged deadline of December 2019 or January 2020, as reported by The Sun. The outbreak was reported to the US government, he claims, “around August or October 2019,” and he has strong cause to think that.”

He asserted that he believes his familiarity with the virus situation contributed to an unexpected job offer from the U.S. government’s Defense Advanced Research Project Agency in late 2019. He now claims that this offer was made in order to place him in a position from which he could be silenced by the government.

According to The Sun, in his book, he stated, “It is my belief that people working within the US government potentially identified me as a risk to knowing firsthand that the US government’s sponsorship of the genetic engineering of SARS-CoV-2 disease emergence event was a consequence of the US government’s sponsorship of SARS-CoV-2 genetic engineering both domestically and abroad.”

I believe that if I had taken the job, DARPA would have given me access to restricted information, making it impossible for me to communicate any of this information in public as I have been and am doing right now.

He claimed that because of his research into the beginnings of COVID, he had become a target for harassment, according to The Sun. He claimed that military-grade drones had flown over his house, that he had been “stalked” in a grocery store, and that unidentified vehicles had been following him.

Scientist who worked at Wuhan lab claims Covid-19 was man-made by the U.S. | Marca

The Sun said that he is currently suing EcoHealth Alliance.

In the early stages of the pandemic, Fauci ally and EcoHealth Alliance president Peter Daszak made a concerted effort to dispel the notion that a lab leak may have been the source of the outbreak. We discovered that Daszak emailed Fauci on April 18, 2020, to thank him for dispelling the hypothesis that the coronavirus may have escaped from a lab after a June 2021 release of over 3,200 pages of Fauci’s correspondence during the first six months of the pandemic.

“On behalf of our employees and collaborators, I just wanted to thank you personally for publicly saying that the scientific evidence supports a natural genesis for COVID-19 from a bat-to-human spillover, not a lab release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” Daszak said.

A declaration signed by 27 public health scientists and written by Daszak was also published on February 19, 2020, in the prestigious medical publication The Lancet. The letter effectively put an end to the discussion about the pandemic’s causes.

Part of it said: “Rumors and misinformation about this outbreak’s origins are now endangering the speedy, open, and transparent sharing of data on it. We get together to vehemently refute any claims made in conspiracy theories about the origin of COVID-19.

More than anything else, this letter helped to dispel the myth that the virus escaped from the Wuhan facility. The lab leak scenario, however, is being supported by more and more circumstantial evidence over time. President Joe Biden is unwilling to confront China, but the incoming Republican-controlled House of Representatives has pledged to look into the pandemic’s origins.

China must be held responsible for its part. Even though the release may have been a mistake, the Chinese decided to mislead us and allow COVID-19 to spread over the world instead of immediately notifying the WHO and taking all necessary precautions to stop the virus’ spread.

Officials in the U.S. must answer for funding risky, gain-of-function research in a nation that is sworn and determined to destroy us. They must be made to pay for their deadly decisions.

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