A handful of nuts may help you avoid gaining weight even if weight loss is never an easy feat.
Almond, the well-known nut may be an effective weapon in the fight against scales, as per New research from the University of South Australia.
Benefits of Eating Nuts
According to the research, consumption of nuts was associated with lower levels of C-peptide responses (47% lower). Also, nuts have higher levels of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (18% higher), glucagon (39% higher), and pancreatic polypeptide responses.
C-peptide responses can improve insulin sensitivity and lower the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease (44 percent higher). Pancreatic polypeptide slows digestion, which may lead to less food intake, while glucagon transmits satiety signals to the brain, both of which promote weight loss.
Other Kinds of Nuts
Here’s a nut guide to help you understand the different kinds of nuts and seeds, with nutrition facts, health benefits, and more.

Walnuts are loaded with antioxidants and Omega 3 fatty acids, the latter of which is linked to a 10% reduction in heart disease, per research, and has a myriad of positive health effects. They have been shown to help treat Type 2 diabetes and lower the risk of cancer.
The daily recommended intake of walnuts for adults is seven whole, shelled nuts. It is best to keep your intake of walnuts within the suggested range to avoid unpleasant side effects like bloating or loose stools.
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You should only eat a few of these every day to avoid accumulating extra calories. Always be watchful of how pistachios or any nut, for that matter is prepared.
Pistachios don’t have a lot of sodium by themselves, but if you eat a few handfuls of salted nuts, your sodium intake will skyrocket. Decide carefully which variety you want to consume.
Pistachios can help you lose weight by lowering your appetite. Due to their abundance of flavonoids and carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin, nuts have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities.
Brazil Nuts
Additionally, the recommended daily limit for servings is two, and some even advise only consuming one. Brazil nuts contain significant amounts of selenium, which can lead to brittle hair and nails if consumed in excess.
A better night’s sleep may result from their high potassium content. It’s useful to have one of them every day to help you sleep even though they aren’t really meant to be eaten as snacks.
Meanwhile, pecans strengthen the immune system and aid in the battle against cancer and heart disease. You should be consuming roughly 15 pecan halves each day if you adhere to the one ounce of nuts per day regulation.
They are fantastic for vegetarians because they are a superb meat alternative. These nuts are a wonderful choice for non-vegetarians as well because they are low in cholesterol and high in protein.
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