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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Snap) Benefits: How to Apply for Food Stamp Benefits?

The Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) and its Office of Inspector General are aware of the sudden rise in reports of EBT card fraud caused by card skimming.

If someone got their hands on your EBT card, call the EBT Customer Service line at 1-888-997-9444 right away to report it as stolen. By doing this, the card will be turned off and you will get a new one. When a customer calls the EBT Customer service line, they can also change their PIN number.

You should also file a report with the local police department. To help TDHS/OIG with their investigations of card skimming fraud, you can also call the OIG fraud hotline at 1-800-241-2629 and tell them what happened. Unlike a bank card or credit card, you can’t just add more money to your account.

The Tennessee Department of Human Services is working hard with our federal partners to find out if stolen benefits can be given to the same people again. To avoid card skimming fraud, customers should only use card readers that don’t look like they’ve been tampered with.

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They should pay attention to whether the machine has unusual damage, glue marks around the card reader, an unusual keyboard, loose parts, or other strange signs.

What is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)? 

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which used to be called “food stamps,” is a program run by the states on behalf of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Tennessee Department of Human Services is in charge of running SNAP in that state (TDHS).

snap benefits: how to apply food stamp benefits

SNAP can be seen as a bridge that helps Tennesseans reach their full potential as self-sufficient, contributing members of our community and economy. At TDHS, we run SNAP because we think that when you’re well-fed and don’t have to worry about where your next meal will come from, you can focus on work, school, and family health.

Doing well at your job, training, or higher education can help you get a better job, make more money, and be more self-sufficient. These changes can help your family move from the problems of today to a better future tomorrow.

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Use the menu and information on this page to learn more about how to apply for SNAP, who is eligible, EBT cards, emergency programs, and other related topics.

Replacement SNAP

There may be times when a power outage means that a family doesn’t have enough food and needs Replacement SNAP. find out more about the new SNAP and the related help that will be available as it becomes available.

How Does SNAP Work

SNAP works by giving eligible households a grocery stipend for a set amount of time, called a certification period, based on federal rules. During the certification period, benefits are given out using an Electronic Benefits Card (EBT) Card.

EBT cards can be used to buy groceries in stores that accept them and online, just like credit cards. How much SNAP a household gets and how long they can get depends on how much money and food they have.

Who Can Receive SNAP

SNAP is available to households, which are groups of people who live together and cook food together. These groups must meet what are called eligibility criteria. When deciding if someone is eligible for SNAP, factors like residency, age and relationship, citizenship, getting a social security number, employment, resources, income, and deductions are taken into account.

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These factors not only decide if a household is eligible for SNAP but also if it needs to submit more paperwork to keep getting SNAP after it has been approved. If you don’t send in the required documents, like change forms or Simplified Reporting Forms, your SNAP benefits could be taken away.

How to Apply for SNAP?

You can apply for SNAP online by filling out and submitting a SNAP application. You can also send a printed application to TDHS by uploading it or mailing it. You can call your local office and ask for an application to be mailed to you, or you can click here to download a SNAP application in the language of your choice.

After you send in your SNAP application, you may need to send in more paperwork or take other steps for your application to be processed and for you to keep getting benefits. Click Here to find out more about how to apply for SNAP and what forms and documents you need.

Preparing to Apply for SNAP

If you apply for SNAP benefits, you may need documents:

  • Social security number
  • Identification
  • Residence
  • Income
  • Shelter costs
  • Utility costs
  • Other household information

Your application process will go more smoothly if you have these documents ready to send. During an interview to see if you qualify, you may also be asked for more information. Click Here to find out more about how to apply and how long it takes.

After You Receive SNAP Approval

Once you’re approved for SNAP, depending on your SNAP classification, you may have to send in more forms or documents to keep it. If you don’t send in your paperwork on time, you might not get SNAP, your benefits might end, or you might have to start the application process all over again.

Click Here to visit the Applying for Services page and see step-by-step instructions for getting and keeping SNAP in Tennessee. This will help you keep your benefits after you are approved. You can also use the links below to download a checklist that you can use as a “do-it-yourself” guide to keep track of how your SNAP case is going and keep track of deadlines and document requirements.

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