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Sen. Susan Collins Cautioned That Democrats’ Climate Compromise Could Hurt Same-Sex Marriage

Sen. Susan Collins has issued a warning that the unexpected climate compromise reached by Democrats could jeopardise the backing of both parties for the same-sex marriage measure.

Sen. Susan Collins believes that the political manoeuvring of Democrats could cost them votes on a bill to legalise marriage between people of the same gender.

According to the Republican, who spoke with HuffPost, the climate accord reached by Democrats might destroy the bipartisan support in other areas.

It’s possible that Democrats are one step closer to being able to declare economic success in the Senate, but one Republican senator is sounding the alarm that their behind-closed-doors dealings could have ramifications for both parties.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) has suggested that the unexpected climate deal reached this week by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Joe Manchin on a slimmer version of the president’s economic agenda could derail efforts to pass a bill protecting same-sex marriage that is being made by both Democrats and Republicans.

According to what Collins said with HuffPost, “I just think the timing could not have been worse and it came completely out of the blue.”

The deal was announced by Democrats on Thursday, just a few hours after 17 Republicans joined all 50 Democrats in the Senate to pass a bill to strengthen the US industry responsible for computer chips, which are used in smartphones, medical devices, and other high-tech items.

The bill was intended to increase funding by $52 billion. Prior to this, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell had threatened to stall the legislation pertaining to semiconductors in the event that Democrats attempted to move forward with their health, climate, and tax measure.


The economic legislation would be approved through the budget reconciliation process, which would require only the support of fifty Democrats, effectively eliminating any possible avenue of opposition from the Republican Party.

Collins told the outlet that it was a very unfortunate move that destroys the many bipartisan efforts that are currently in progress. “After we just had worked together successfully on gun safety legislation, on the CHIPs bill, it was a move that destroyed the many bipartisan efforts that were in progress,” Collins said.

After the House of Representatives passed the Respect for Marriage Act last week with support from all 220 Democrats and an additional 47 Republicans, the Republican from Maine is currently attempting to shore up support for the legislation. This comes after the House of Representatives passed the legislation last week.

The bill has received indications of support from five Republicans in the Senate, opening the door for the necessary ten Republican votes that are required on top of all 50 Democratic votes in order for the legislation to be successful.

The Defense of Marriage Act of 1996, which passed in 1996 and defined marriage as taking place between a man and a woman, would be officially repealed if the bill were to pass the Senate and be signed into law.

Later on, the term was ruled unconstitutional by the courts, but the law in its original form was not changed. In addition, the Respect for Marriage Act would make it illegal for any state actor to “fail to give full effect to an out-of-state marriage” on the grounds of a person’s sexual orientation, race, gender, or country of origin.

After the Supreme Court decided to overturn Roe v. Wade in a decision that reversed federal abortion rights a month ago, Democrats quickly began calling for protections to be codified for same-sex marriage.

This call came in response to the decision. Conservative Justice Clarence Thomas wrote a concurring opinion that suggested the court “reconsider” certain landmark decisions, including the right to same-sex marriage.

The majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito stated that the case should not affect any other rights; however, Justice Samuel Alito’s opinion stated that the case should affect no other rights.

Collins believes that support for a number of other bipartisan projects, including the bill to legalise gay marriage, maybe in jeopardy as a result of the surprise that Democrats pulled on Wednesday.

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There isn’t much time left until the August break that politicians take. Collins stated to a source that she did not know whether or not the Respect for Marriage Act will ultimately be postponed to the fall campaign season, but that she intends to continue rallying support for the legislation in the interim.

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