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Arizonans Are Targeting Kyrsten Sinema for Her Decisive Vote on the Spending Bill

Senator Kyrsten Sinema is under pressure from Arizona business groups to cast the deciding vote against the Senate Democrats’ unexpectedly revived package of tax reforms and domestic spending.

In a thinly veiled attempt to convince the moderate Democrat from Arizona that the deal would harm her home state, the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and industry organizations with a presence in Arizona have produced advertising.

To defeat the slimmed-down spending bill, which Democrats have a shrinking window to approve as the midterm elections approach, the advertisement plays on economic concerns.

The Arizona Manufacturers Council, Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry, and NAM all contributed to the creation of the advertisement.

The video opens with a voiceover explaining how, despite “record worker shortages and cost rises,” manufacturers are the state’s economic engine.


Kyrsten Sinema is a senator. To derail a revised version of a congressional Democratic spending bill, industry groups are focusing on Senator Kyrsten Sinema. On August 1, 2022, Sinema arrives at the U.S. Capitol for a vote, as shown above.

The multi-trillion dollar health care, tax, and climate bill will be advanced by Senate Democrats in the final week before the August break. by Drew Angerer for Getty Images

The voiceover goes on to say, “Now, Congress is threatening to hike taxes on Arizona firms.” “Taxes won’t improve supply chains, advance energy security, or fill open positions.”

To “say ‘no’ to taxes that will destroy Arizona manufacturers,” the advertisement urged viewers to contact their senators and representatives.

The advertisement didn’t specifically identify Sinema, but since her support for past drafts of the legislation has been ambiguous, it was probably meant for her.

The bill will be passed by the Senate on a party-line vote using a budgetary technique called reconciliation, which does not call for the 60 votes that the chamber ordinarily demands. Democrats are unable to tolerate even one defector in the 50-50 chamber if they rely on reconciliation.

Those opposed to the law are hoping that Sinema, who has been reluctant to raise taxes, will ultimately veto the legislation, which is a key component of President Joe Biden’s and congressional Democrats’ agendas.

A crucial holdout Democratic senator from West Virginia, Joe Manchin, said last week that he had reached an agreement with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York on a revised version of the plan.

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The rewritten proposal, now known as the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, was directly targeted at voters who have come to increasingly identify record inflation as their top issue heading into this fall’s midterm elections.

The bill’s supporters assert that it will reduce the nation’s deficit while allocating $369 billion for energy security, another $64 billion for a three-year extension of an Affordable Care Act program, and the ability for Medicare to bargain for lower pricing on prescription drugs.

Schumer stated in a tweet on Monday that it will “simply save lives, generate jobs, and lower expenses.”

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