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The Major American City With the Nation’s Lowest Average Number of People Receiving Food Stamps

In June, the state of California made the decision to combat the devastating effects that inflation has had on the state’s residents by announcing that it would send $1,050 checks to each of the state’s approximately 23 million residents.

Since then, several additional states have followed suit by providing residents with a check or tax rebate of some kind.

If an even greater number of states followed California’s lead and distributed their own relief, it is likely that the checks still would not be sufficient for families who are in need.

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (also known as SNAP) is a long-running program that provides financial assistance for food to millions of people in the United States.

About 13.8 million households in the United States were receiving benefits from SNAP, which was formerly known as food stamps, as of the year 2020. 24/7 Wall St. analyzed the five-year estimates of the share of households that received SNAP benefits in the 12 months before the survey that was provided by the United States Census Bureau’s 2020 American Community Survey.

This was done to determine which metropolitan area in each state had the lowest SNAP recipiency rate.


11.4 per cent of households in the United States were eligible for SNAP benefits in the year 2020. There is at least one major metropolitan area in each of the fifty states (46 of them total) that has a lower percentage of households that receive nutrition assistance.

This figure varies from 6.7 per cent to 28.4 per cent depending on the metropolitan area in each state with the lowest SNAP recipiency rate.

Delaware, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont are the only states in the union that each have a single major metropolitan area.

This list automatically includes the state’s sole major metropolitan area for each of the states.

Income is the primary factor that determines whether or not a household is eligible for SNAP assistance, even though other considerations, such as assets and the make-up of the household, also play a role.

The majority of the metropolitan areas that have the lowest rates of people receiving food stamps through the SNAP program also have the lowest rates of people living in poverty within their own states.

The metropolitan area surrounding Fairbanks, Alaska, has a SNAP recipiency rate of 5.7 per cent and a poverty rate of 6.5 per cent, which is the lowest poverty rate in the country. 6.5 per cent of the population lives in poverty.

These are the states with the highest proportion of children living in poverty:-

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Because income is the primary factor that determines SNAP recipiency, unemployment has a strong correlation with the number of people who receive benefits.

This is because workers who are without jobs are likely to have little to no income. More than two-thirds of the metropolitan areas that have the lowest rate of SNAP recipients in their respective states also have a five-year unemployment rate that is lower than the figure for their respective states.

This includes the metropolitan area of Bismarck, North Dakota, which has the nation’s lowest unemployment rate at 2.4 per cent, making it the lowest of any metropolitan area in the country.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, these are the states that have seen the most significant increases in their unemployment rates.

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