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The Lifestyle That Hunter Biden Led Was Befitting of His High-end Money

In the fall of 2018, Hunter Biden was bombarded with a rapid-fire series of emails regarding his taxes from his accountant. These emails came in quick succession.

“They are late,” Bill Morgan warned his client in October, pointing out that Biden had missed a deadline that had already been extended to the 15th of the month.

Two weeks later, the accountant prompted Biden with the statement, “Your tax returns for 2017 have not yet been filed.”

The next day, he added, “You need to get 2017 filed so that we can try to work out a payment schedule.” “You need to get 2017 filed so that we can try to work out a payment schedule.”

Additionally, Morgan mentioned in that email that an aide of Biden’s had forwarded him a copy of an IRS warning from the year 2015.

According to what the accountant had written, “they are asking for $158,000.” “The Internal Revenue Service has informed the State Department, and unless this matter is settled, they will not renew your passport.”

We would like to welcome you to the chaotic world that is Hunter Biden’s money. The details surrounding his previous filings may offer a glimpse into some of the areas federal investigators are delving into as part of an ongoing investigation into possible tax violations and other crimes that is nearing a critical juncture.

Although the general topic of the President’s son’s financial troubles has been widely reported, the specifics surrounding his past filings may offer a glimpse into some of the areas federal investigators are delving into.

According to our sources, the decision regarding whether or not to file criminal charges against the President’s son will be made by the prosecutors very soon.

Kathleen Buhle, once married to Hunter Biden, has stated that she was unaware of her ex-business husband’s operations during their time together.

Kathleen Buhle, once married to Hunter Biden, has stated that she was unaware of her ex-business husband’s operations during their time together.

Republicans have attempted to exploit the legal trouble that has been caused to Hunter Biden as a springboard to accuse his father, President Joe Biden, of being involved in his son’s suspected illegal activities.

If the Republicans were to win back control of the House, one of their top priorities would be to investigate the Biden family using the committees that they would direct.

Biden has stated that he has been cooperative with authorities and has rejected any misconduct that may have occurred.

According to people who have been briefed on the situation, his father is not a suspect in the ongoing investigation that the federal government is conducting.

CNN decided to seek the assistance of a professional in the field of computer forensics to verify the veracity of a trove of emails concerning Hunter Biden’s financial matters.

These emails had been published on the internet by a former White House aide working for Trump, and they were said to have been traced back to a laptop that had been discovered in a Delaware repair shop.

Many of the stories that have been told about Biden’s alleged drug abuse, sexual indiscretions, and financial difficulties have been fueled by information that was found on the laptop.

CNN and other media outlets have not been able to verify many of these stories. Biden has not made any direct comments on the veracity of the emails or the tales upon which the allegations are based.

Last year, he commented to CBS News that he was unsure whether or not that laptop belonged to him.

Jake Williams, a former operative for the National Security Agency who analysed the emails for CNN, stated that he was able to authenticate a subset of the emails because they contained verified signatures within their metadata that showed they had not been modified.

Williams said he was able to do this because the verified signatures demonstrated that the emails had not been altered. Only the emails that he verified are included in this report’s citations.


Williams, who had previously examined data from the laptop for The Washington Post, stated that the majority of the emails he reviewed for CNN could not be verified for a variety of reasons, including the fact that they lacked sufficient technical data necessary for the validation process.

Williams’ comments came after Williams had previously examined data from the laptop for The Washington Post.

According to sources, the investigation of Hunter Biden by the federal government has reached a pivotal point.

CNN’s review of emails showed that Hunter Biden struggled with tax issues for years and that his accountant at times seemed at a loss to keep track of the flow of Biden’s money, according to sources who spoke with CNN.

The investigation into Hunter Biden by the federal government has reached a critical juncture.

In one of his accountant’s emails, the question of whether or not a receipt for $550,000 should be recorded as a loan or as income from Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company on whose board Biden served, was brought up.

The email in question was sent by the accountant. On that email chain, there is no indication that Biden ever responded.

According to an investigation of his business activities that was spearheaded by Republicans in the Senate, Biden was paid as much as $50,000 per month for serving on the board of Burisma between the years 2014 and 2019.

Despite having such a luxury income, Biden’s debts continued to mount, despite the numerous warnings that he received from his bank, his accountant, and other people.

In December of 2018, Biden was sent an automated email from Wells Fargo that stated one of his accounts was short $1,700 for payment on a Porsche. The subject line of the email read “Insufficient funds.”

During the same year, Biden’s checking account was reported to have a “low balance,” and one of his credit cards was reported to have exceeded the “pre-set amount” of $65,000. These alerts were sent out by other banks.

According to various emails sent in 2018 and 2019, charges that were attempted to be made on another credit card were continually refused to owe to insufficient funds.

On December 28, 2018, Biden’s former aide sent him an email with the subject line, “I am trying to figure out what to do regarding bills.”

She enumerated several obligations that Biden had not met, such as his obligation to pay her salary and her health insurance premiums.

“Cover the cost of the medical care. Pay for the Porsche, please “Biden did react, but in his response, he suggested that she should pay herself one-half of the salary that she claimed to be entitled.

Biden further expressed his displeasure with the fact that someone else was allegedly receiving a portion of the money that was allegedly owed to him directly by Burisma. He explained to her that due to recent economic conditions, “there is not much income coming through these days.”

According to another email sent by his assistant, Biden’s expenses, debts, and past taxes had accumulated to a total of more than half a million dollars by March 2019.

In that message, the assistant asked him to “Please let me know if there is a new plan for paying these bills,” noting that he still owed approximately $370,000 in taxes and $120,000 in other bank debt. “Please let me know if there is a new plan for paying these bills,” the assistant wrote to him.

Biden’s aide did not reply to several requests for comment.

During the White House Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House on April 18, 2022, in Washington, District of Columbia, Hunter Biden, son of Vice President Joe Biden, gives remarks to those in attendance. (File photo by Andrew Harnik of the Associated Press)

During the White House Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House on April 18, 2022, in Washington, District of Columbia, Hunter Biden, son of Vice President Joe Biden, gives remarks to those in attendance.

Chris Clark, who represents Joe Biden, said that his client had “completely paid” all of the back taxes owed to the IRS.

After the passing of his brother Beau, Joe Biden suffered from substance abuse and alcoholism, according to Clark, who added that the years 2018 and 2019 were challenging for Biden.

It is not known how far back prosecutors may be looking into Biden’s tax problems, which, according to the emails, began as far back as 2015 and continued into 2019.

“He is current on his tax obligations and is committed to remaining so as he continues his recovery from addiction,” Clark said. “He has no intention of letting this situation change while he is working on his sobriety.”

According to correspondence, Biden took significant cash withdrawals during several of the same months that his accountant contacted him about back taxes that needed to be paid.

For example, throughout October 2018, he used ATMs to withdraw around $4,800 over approximately two weeks.

Kathleen Buhle, who was previously married to Joe Biden, has recently published a memoir in which she recounts how difficult it was for the couple’s finances when they were still married.

“At the store more than once, my debit card was rejected for some reason. For money to be transferred into my account, I would have to phone Hunter “In the memoir that she authored and had published earlier this year, she said.

“Hunter and I had a lovely home and wonderful automobiles, but we were running so quickly on that hamster wheel that we were barely keeping our balance.”

In 2018, Buhle wrote to Morgan, the accountant, who had passed away by that point, to seek assistance with an IRS tax lien that was based on an unpaid payment of $112,805.

Buhle reported that she did not know what to do and pleaded with Morgan to “Please advise.”

In his own book, “Beautiful Things,” which was released the previous year, Hunter Biden spoke openly and honestly about his struggles with addiction.

He said to NPR that he authored the book to give people who have battled substance misuse a sense of optimism.

He admitted that the salaries he earned for serving on the board of directors of the Ukrainian natural gas business Burisma allowed him to purchase crack cocaine with the money.

According to what Biden wrote, “But by that mad, awful finish, the board fee had transformed into a horrible sort of silly money.” [citation needed] “It pressured me to spend carelessly, maybe dangerously, and irreparably. Humiliatingly. So I did.”

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According to what he wrote, he was working hard to make atonement, “both figuratively and literally.” “I still have a lot of work to do on myself, with my addiction, and clearing the wreckage of my past,” I said. “It’s been a long road.”

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