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Pisgah Legal Services Provides Free Program to Aid Working Families in Obtaining Cash Benefits and Medical Care

Because inflation is at its highest point in the past four decades, working families with modest incomes are finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet, put food on the table, and put gas in their cars.

Pisgah Legal Services is now offering a new programme that will make it possible for area residents with annual incomes of less than $58,000 to gain access to much-needed cash benefits (PLS).

The non-profit organisation recently created the WNC Health and Economic Opportunity Program with financing from the Dogwood Health Trust to assist individuals in gaining access to income-boosting tax payments and enrolling in health insurance that is more affordably priced.

Lucia, a woman raising her son by herself, has never filed tax returns in the past. A return for $8,000 was given to her.

“Marissa” intends to use the $15,000 that she received as a refund to pay off her bills, purchase a car, and make repairs to her house.

Annie intends to deposit her $1,000 tax refund into savings, which will provide her with a level of financial security she has never experienced before.

“Maria” and “Rafael” are planning to put their $2,200 tax return toward the purchase of clothing and other essentials for their children.

Those who do not file taxes should not throw away money that is rightfully theirs.


According to Jim Barrett, Executive Director of Pisgah Legal Services, “Even if you earn little or no money, and even if you don’t often file taxes, you may be eligible for thousands of dollars in child tax credits.”

There are two other types of specialised tax credits that are available to work families, and the combined value of these benefits might be thousands of dollars.

If you have children and pay taxes, you could receive up to $3,600 per child through the Child Tax Credit and up to $6,700 through the Earned Income Tax Credit. However, this only applies if you file a tax return.

He continues by saying, “Perhaps people are working jobs that are seasonal, part-time, transitory, or gigs, and they are not making enough money to be required to file taxes.

They and their family might be missing out on tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in flexible cash payments because of this.

These credits were established by Congress to assist individuals in meeting their basic needs. Pisgah Legal does not want them to throw away any potential earnings by doing so.

They won’t have to pay anything to have our professional staff and volunteers help them fill out the application.

He continues by saying, “Call Pisgah Legal for a free consultation to discuss how filing taxes could benefit you and your family.

We will keep everything discussed during the appointment strictly secret.” After that, you pick what is most beneficial to you. If you do decide to file, we will be happy to assist you in doing so for no additional cost.

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The Internal Revenue Service estimates that approximately 9 million Americans do not file their taxes each year, which means that they may be passing on opportunities to increase their income through tax refunds.

In addition to this, around twenty per cent of people in North Carolina who are eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit do not file for it.

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