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The State of Connecticut is Increasing Its Outreach as the Deadline for the Child Tax Rebate Draws Near

According to Governor Ned Lamont’s announcement on Tuesday, approximately 57 per cent of taxpayers who are eligible for a child tax rebate have completed the online form that can return $250 for every child, up to $750 for the majority of families. Applicants have five days left to submit their applications.

For Mark Boughton, the state’s revenue services commissioner, there is no current data available to simply mail rebate checks to households eligible for them.

During a press conference that took place in Waterbury, Lamont stated, “We are making good progress.”

According to him, the completion rate is close to 70 per cent in cities such as Waterbury, Bridgeport, New Haven, and Hartford.

The maximum annual income for a couple is limited to $200,000, while the maximum annual income for a single parent is limited to $100,000.


The state Department of Revenue Services started sending out postcard reminders to families with children’s homes beginning on Friday of this week.

According to Commissioner Mark Boughton of the Department of Revenue Services, the state does not possess the up-to-date data that would enable it to simply mail rebate checks to households that are eligible for them.

The data from 2020 was used by the DRS to send out postcards; however, Boughton explained that it could not be used to generate checks because the state is unable to determine from those returns which taxpayers have moved away from Connecticut or which children have reached the age of 19 using that data.

According to what he said, approximately 250,000 children are living in households that have already submitted an application.

Boughton stated that he anticipates a rush of taxpayers to submit their returns in time for the deadline on Sunday. His prediction is based on how taxpayers have responded to previous filing deadlines.

The state will, at some point, receive 2021 data on dependents from the IRS, which could make it possible for the state to pay rebates the following year to qualified parents who did not apply by the deadline of July 31.

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Boughton stated that “That’ll be up to the legislature during the next session,” which means that the decision will be up to them.

Rep. Sean Scanlon, a Democrat from Guilford and co-chair of the Finance, Revenue, and Bonding Committee, who was instrumental in the development of the rebate program, stated that the legislature will determine how much of the $300 million that was budgeted for rebates was left unclaimed.

Taxpayers will rush to file their returns before Sunday’s deadline, Boughton predicted. It’s an educated guess based on how taxpayers have behaved in the past.

Scanlon said, “Listen, we’re here with a very simple message to the people of Connecticut and Waterbury.”

“Listen, we’re here with a very simple message to the people of Connecticut and Waterbury.”

There are still five days left for you to submit this application, and doing so will take approximately two minutes of your time.

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