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In His First Speech in DC Since Leaving Office, Trump Advances a Harsh Criminal Justice Agenda

Donald Trump, a former president, on Tuesday laid out a strict and hardline criminal justice agenda for the Republican Party, praising China’s legal system, advocating the death penalty for drug traffickers, and saying the federal government should bypass governors to use the National Guard to fight crime.

On his first trip back to Washington since leaving office, the former President praised the police, even at one point referring to them as his heroes.

However, he failed to mention the police who guarded the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, or the fatalities and injuries that resulted from that attack. Instead, Trump asserted that “our great police know what to do,” but that the nation must “allow them to do it.”

In fact, Trump referred to the House Select Committee looking into the attack, which has been holding high-profile hearings for weeks, as a “unselect committee of political hacks and thugs.”

The only two Republicans on the committee, Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois came under fire from him by name. He claimed that the committee “really wants to damage me so I can no longer go back to work for you.”

Regarding policing, Trump demanded a “return to stop-and-frisk policies in cities,” claimed that municipalities shouldn’t “remove (police) from their liability shield in any way shape or form,” and generally stated that the nation should “give our police back their authority, resources, power, and prestige.”

For the first time since leaving office, Trump visited Washington for a speech before the two-day America First Policy Institute summit.

It happened at a time when Trump is hinting at a third presidential bid in 2024 and the congressional investigation into the January 6, 2021 uprising that was started as a result of his denial of the results of the 2020 election is planning additional hearings for September.

As a nod to his belief that the next Republican president must support his criminal justice plans, Trump made a passing reference to 2024 in his speech.

However, he only acknowledged his own ambitions when he promoted the lie that he had won the election for a second term in 2020.

Additionally, he omitted to mention some Republicans who have expressed interest in running for president in 2024, including former vice president Mike Pence and governor of Florida Ron DeSantis, both of whom made Tuesday appearances in Washington.

“I won again, and this time, I performed much better. did much better. did much better. highly corrupt I used to say that I ran and won the first time.

Then I ran again, and I fared much better,” he said, advancing the unfounded assertion that the 2020 election was stolen from him. How shameful it was. But we might just have to repeat the process. Our nation needs to be cleaned up.

Trump asserted that “the radical left’s anti-police narrative is a total lie” in another allusion to the lies surrounding the 2020 election.


He repeated what Democrats have referred to as Trump’s election lies, saying, “Let’s call it the big lie.” “Have you ever heard of that saying? The huge lie

Trump’s trip to Washington, D.C., also serves as a reminder of his acrimonious breakup with former Vice President Mike Pence, whom he has openly criticized for refusing to try to thwart voters’ will by rejecting electoral votes from important states.

In response, Pence asserted earlier this year that “Trump is wrong” in asserting that he could reverse the results.

In recent speeches, he has urged Republicans to put their differences with 2020 behind them and present a platform that looks to the future. As a result of his flight being diverted by bad weather, Pence was unable to deliver his speech on Monday at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC.

“We are a nation in decline,”

Trump’s speech was gloomy throughout, painting a picture of a nation plagued by crime, drugs, and homelessness, similar to his inauguration speech in 2017.

Trump stated, “We are a failing country.

Our streets are open to the dangerously insane. There is no longer respect for the law, and there is unquestionably no order, which is the main reason why our country has become so different. Our nation has descended into a cesspool of crime, said Trump, occasionally mentioning specific high-profile incidents, many of which have received extensive coverage in the conservative press.

At one point, Trump praised how Chinese President Xi Jinping dealt with drug dealers, recalling a time when the Chinese leader informed him about “quick trials” for drug offenders in China, where sentences were, according to the president, handed down in “two hours.”

“Don’t you think it sounds awful? But those are the trouble-free people. Court proceedings don’t last 15 years. It moves swiftly,” Trump said before endorsing the “very strong death penalty for the people who sell drugs” — a position he has pushed for ever since he was elected.

Trump asserted that despite Republicans frequently supporting state’s rights, the next president must “go beyond the governor” and bypass governors to combat crime.

Trump specifically argued that “the next president needs to send the National Guard to the most dangerous neighbourhoods in Chicago until safety can be restored” when governors “refuse to protect their people, we need to bring in what is necessary anyway.”

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In addition, Trump suggested that the federal government construct sizable tent cities outside some of the biggest cities in the country and clear out the existing homeless camps.

Thousands and thousands of high-quality tents should be built by the government, he suggested and placed in the “outer reaches of the cities,” where doctors, psychologists, and psychiatrists could work with the residents.

The GOP is “on the verge of a historic midterm election,” according to Trump, who told the audience that the GOP has an “incredible opportunity” to win in 2022. Trump’s remarks echoed Republican optimism that the 2022 midterms will be a standout year for the party.

“I am here before you to begin to talk about what we must do to achieve that future when we win a resounding victory in 2022 and when a Republican president takes back the White House in 2024,” the speaker continued. “I strongly believe that will happen.”

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