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When You Reach This Age, Filing for Social Security Benefits May Cost You Thousands of Dollars

The maximum age at which you can delay Social Security benefits and still receive an increase in those benefits is 70. It is possible to delay filing for Social Security benefits until after age 70, but doing so will not result in higher payments on a monthly basis. This indicates that you are not receiving the money to which you are entitled, and the amount of this money could be in the tens of thousands of dollars.
What do you estimate the price to be?

Suppose, for example, that your FRA is 67 years old, and if you filed for benefits at that age, you would receive approximately $1,700 per month (which is roughly the average benefit amount among retirees). You would receive an additional 24 percent of your monthly benefit, for a total of $2,108, if you waited to start collecting it until you were 70 years old.

social security

If you wait until you are 71 years old to file, however, you will not receive any additional money on a monthly basis. If you don’t start collecting Social Security between the ages of 70 and 71, you’ll forego $2,108 in monthly benefits, which comes out to $25,296 annually.

When you wait beyond the age of 70, you run the risk of missing out on more opportunities. Imagine for a moment that you put off applying for Social Security benefits until you are 75 years old. This represents five years’ worth of benefits that you will not receive, which comes out to approximately $126,480 in this scenario.

This does not mean that you are unable to continue working after the age of 70. However, despite the fact that you may continue to work well into your golden years, it is in your best interest to begin collecting Social Security benefits at the age of 70, regardless of whether or not you feel prepared to do so. Doing so will ensure that you do not lose out on money that is rightfully yours.
A tactical approach to the issue of Social Security

When it comes to submitting a claim for Social Security, there is no option that is applicable to everyone. It may be beneficial to postpone retirement until the age of 70 for some individuals. However, early claim submission may be the wiser choice for some individuals.

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Make sure you are aware of how your age will impact the amount of benefits you receive. If you go into retirement with a plan, you can make the most of your monthly income and spend your golden years in the utmost comfort.

The Social Security bonus of $18,984, which the vast majority of retirees completely ignore.

If you’re like the majority of other Americans, your savings for retirement are several years (or even more) behind where they should be. On the other hand, knowing a few “Social Security secrets” that aren’t widely publicized can help increase the amount of money you receive when you retire. One simple strategy, for instance, could result in an increase in your annual income of up to $18,984! We believe that once you acquire the knowledge necessary to maximize the benefits you receive from Social Security, you will be able to retire with the same level of self-assurance and tranquility that we all seek. You need only click this link to find out how you can learn more about these strategies.

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