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On This Day in History, Sen. Edward Kennedy Drives Off a Bridge, Killing Mary Jo Kopechne

Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler’s autobiography, was released in 1925. In 2016, the book became a best-seller in German bookstores for the first time in 70 years. The updated version has 3,500 annotations and 2,000 pages, compared to the original’s 800.

Douglas Corrigan set off from Floyd Bennett Field in New York for a return flight to California in 1938 but said he lost his bearings in the clouds and flew instead to Ireland. He rose to fame as “Wrong Way” Corrigan.

Following a sneak showing of The Wizard of Oz in 1939, producers discussed eliminating “Over the Rainbow” since it seemed to drag things down. The song later aided in the creation of the rainbow flag as a gay symbol.

General Dwight D. Eisenhower promoted Florence Blanchfield to lieutenant colonel in the United States Army in 1947, making her the first woman to hold a permanent military rank.

In 1969, a car drove by Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., plunged from a bridge into a tidal pond on Chappaquiddick Island in Massachusetts, killing his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne.

Rebecca Schaeffer, the My Sister Sam actress, was murdered in her Los Angeles home in 1989. Her death prompted California to pass an anti-stalking law.

A vehicle explosion in Buenos Aires in 1994 killed over 100 people in or near a building housing Jewish organisations.

Michael Vick, the quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons of the National Football League, was indicted in 2007 on federal charges related to an illegal dogfighting business. He was later sentenced to 23 months in prison.

Florence Blanchfield was promoted to lieutenant colonel in the United States Army by General Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1947, making her the first woman to hold a permanent military rank.

A suicide bomber struck Syria’s National Security Bureau in 2012, killing Defense Minister Daoud Rajiha, Deputy Defense Minister Assef Shawkat (President Bashar’s brother-in-law), and Assad’s former Defense Minister Hassan Turkomani, and NSB chairman Hisham Ikhtiar.

In 2013, Detroit became the largest city in the United States to declare bankruptcy.

An arson attack on the Kyoto Animation studio in Japan killed 33 people in 2019.


Nadia Comaneci of Romania became the first individual in Olympic Games history to be given a perfect 10 in gymnastics in 1976.

Vietnam joined the United Nations in 1977.

In 1984, a gunman opened fire on a McDonald’s restaurant in San Ysidro, California, killing 21 people.

Rebecca Schaeffer, the actress from My Sister Sam, was murdered in her Los Angeles residence in 1989. Her killing prompted California to enact an anti-stalking statute.

In 1994, a vehicle explosion in Buenos Aires killed over 100 persons in or near a building that housed Jewish organizations.

Michael Vick, the quarterback for the National Football League’s Atlanta Falcons, was indicted in 2007 on federal charges connected to an unlawful dogfighting business. He was subsequently sentenced to 23 months in prison.

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In 2012, a suicide bomber targeted Syria’s National Security Bureau, killing Defense Minister Daoud Rajiha, Deputy Defense Minister Assef Shawkat (President Bashar al-brother-in-law), and Assad’s former Defense Minister Hassan Turkomani, and NSB chairman Hisham Ikhtiar.

Detroit became the largest city in the United States to declare bankruptcy in 2013.

In 2019, an arson assault on the Kyoto Animation studio in Japan killed 33 persons.

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