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The Estate of Aretha Franklin Has Satisfied the IRS With a Payment of $7.8 Million

Aretha Franklin passed away in August of 2018, and at the time of her death, she did not have a will in place to direct the handling of her postmortem affairs.

As a direct consequence of this, her heirs have been subjected to an explosion of legal issues, some of which include Franklin’s overdue income taxes as well as the $7.8 million in penalties and interest that are related to these taxes.

According to the Detroit Free Press, the debt, which was accumulated between the years 2010 and 2017, has been paid in full.

Even though it did not make a significant role in the value of the estate, which is estimated to be around $80 million, the loan was paid off.

It was reported that the debt was settled on June 17 through the use of a cashier’s check that was issued by Reginald Turner, who served as both the attorney and personal representative for the estate.

In response to a request for confirmation made on Monday (July 11), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) stated that they were unable to do so owing to federal privacy regulations.


In April of 2021, the estate and the IRS reached an agreement to accelerate the payoff schedule, which resulted in Franklin’s sons, Clarence, Edward, Teddy, and Kecalf, receiving restricted payments every quarter.

As part of the agreement, you were obligated to make an early payment of $800,000 because the remaining debt would be paid off using only the money that was coming in.

45 per cent of the quarterly income would be applied to the current amount, while the remaining 40 per cent would be “sent to an escrow account to meet future taxes on the newly created income.”

The remaining fifteen per cent would be put toward the administration of the estate.

The estate did contend that the incoming revenue should be equitably dispersed among the males, which would cause any tax responsibilities to be handled on an individual basis.

It has not yet been decided whether or not to grant permission for the request.

The news organization also reported that in addition to the approaching tax issue, her heirs have been having quite a battle to sort the matters of her estate since her passing, with some of the matters being managed in a hostile manner.

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This doesn’t really help much when you consider the fact that many will have been found since Franklin’s passing away.

Three were discovered in the residence of the Queen of Soul in 2019, all of which were handwritten, and the fourth was an unsigned document that had been typed out and prepared by a law company in Troy, Michigan in the year 2017.

Each document provides instructions that are in direct opposition to one another on how the estate should be managed and how the deceased’s assets should be distributed among her heirs.

The preliminary trial that was supposed to sort up the matter was supposed to take place in 2020, but it has been delayed since then because of the ongoing pandemic.

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