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Where is My Cash Back? Despite IRS Assertions That Refunds Have Been Sent, Refunds Remain Outstanding for Many

There are missing tax refunds totalling thousands of dollars.

The IRS stated that it had sent the money months ago, but many individuals are still awaiting it.

While the IRS has already processed Williams and Smith’s tax refunds for the 2021 tax year, it is currently processing tax returns for other taxpayers, primarily those who did not file electronically.

“More than $16,000 is involved. I simply need my money “Crystal Williams remarked.

Nichole Smith is one more individual who is still awaiting her 2021 tax refund. Hers exceeds $17,000 in value.

“It’s quite stressful because I have six children and I need my income,” said Smith.

Both women filed their taxes using TurboTax and expected to get their refunds by cheque. Instead, their monies were placed with Santa Barbara Tax Product Group, often known as TPG, the bank that processes tax refunds when tax preparation expenses are subtracted.

Both women have contacted TurboTax to inquire about their tax refunds.


“Turbo Tax claims that it is now out of their hands,” Smith explained. “I’ve contacted out to them, but I’ve received no response and a prerecorded message.”

Williams reported that she was able to reach TPG, who informed her that a refund cheque was delivered in the spring.

Williams recalls TPG telling her, “If you don’t have to by April 10th, please call us and let us know.” According to Williams, this lasted weeks. Despite the company’s claim that it was mailed three times, she never received her refund check from TPG.

“I have informed delivery. I have a PO Box, and I receive my mail without difficulty. The problem is that they claim to have mailed it; it’s not as if it gets lost each time they claim to have mailed it. It is not occurring, “Smith stated.

Not only Smith and Williams are affected. Santa Barbara Tax Products Group received an F grade from the Better Business Bureau after receiving over a thousand complaints in the past year. The majority of TPG’s complaints are from unhappy taxpayers who are awaiting their tax refund.

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Diane Wilson, a troubleshooter, contacted both TPG and Turbo Tax. TPG is owned by Greendot, and neither business answered, but Turbo Tax stated that it would work with Williams and Smith directly.

After months of waiting, both women report they have received correspondence from Turbo Tax and hope to receive their tax returns soon.

While the IRS has already processed tax refunds for Williams and Smith for the 2021 tax year, it is currently processing tax returns for other taxpayers, primarily those who did not file electronically. If you filed before the tax deadline and do not receive your refund within 45 days, the IRS is required to pay you interest for each consecutive day you do not receive your return.

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