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After Meeting With IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig on Audits of Trump Critics James Comey and Andrew McCabe, Democrats Continue to Be Dubious

Upon their Thursday exit from a meeting with IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig, Democratic tax writers expressed scepticism on the agency’s decision to audit two prominent critics of former President Donald Trump.

Legislators claim that Rettig highlighted to them that there was no political involvement and that it was likely a coincidence, stating that the odds of former FBI Director James Comey and his deputy Andrew McCabe being selected are not as high as the media suggests.

Democrats expressed scepticism and said they were eager to see the results of a government inquiry into the problem that they had asked for as part of an independent investigation they had requested.

They expressed hope that the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration’s conclusions would be revealed expeditiously, with one senator stating that he expected it within a couple of weeks.

Rep. Dan Kildee stated, “It’s either a remarkable coincidence or something else” (D-Mich.).


Given the relationship between these two persons and the former president, it seems highly improbable that this is a mere coincidence, but we’ll see what the inspector general thinks.

The meeting follows a report by the New York Times that Comey and McCabe were subject to lengthy audits as part of an IRS study program examining taxpayer behaviour. This approach is distinct from the agency’s more conventional audits when it detects misconduct.

Senate Finance Committee members will also meet with Rettig to discuss the problem.

Rettig’s term expires in November, but President Joe Biden might reappoint him for another term.

As he exited the closed-door meeting, Rettig, who was chosen by Trump, described it as “constructive” but said little else to reporters.

Legislators were informed that the probability of Comey and his deputy being selected for audits through standard procedures is not as remote as they may appear, as individuals with particular features in their tax returns are more likely to be chosen.

One out of every 250 taxpayers who fit into particular categories may be selected for the examination.

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Nevertheless, Kildee stated, “The odds are quite high regardless of how they are calculated.”

The disclosure comes amid increased scrutiny of the Secret Service by January.

The DHS inspector general warned Congress in a letter dated Wednesday and obtained by POLITICO that certain text conversations sent by the United States Secret Service on January 5 and 6, 2021, were destroyed in response to a request from a Department of Homeland Security watchdog.

According to the department, the mails were lost as part of an “equipment replacement” initiative.

Democrats expressed scepticism and said they were eager to see the results of a government investigation into the problem, which they had requested as part of an independent investigation as per the reports suggest.

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