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After the President Read From His Teleprompter, Elon Musk Ridicules Joe Biden for Making Another Error

Joe Biden’s use of a teleprompter during a broadcast speech was ridiculed by Elon Musk.

The President outlined his executive order in response to the Roe v. Wade decision of the Supreme Court.

Nevertheless, Biden has been derided for reading the instructions “end of the quote” and “read line again.”

Elon Musk made fun of Joe Biden after he made another error during a speech regarding his new executive order following the Roe v. Wade decision.

In response to the 24 June reverse of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court, the President spoke after signing an executive order to offer protection for women seeking abortions.

Biden also recited instructions following the conclusion of a sentence during his address “Notable is the fact that the percentage of women who register to vote and cast a ballot is regularly greater than the percentage of males who do the same. Quote ended.”

The Washington Times’ Tim Young and Tesla’s CEO were among those who mocked him.

Musk, who has been publicly feuding with Trump for months, tweeted on Friday, accompanied by a meme, “Whoever controls the teleprompter is the true President!”

The President and Musk’s feud began when Tesla was not invited to a White House electric vehicle (EV) summit in 2021, despite accounting for roughly three-quarters of all-electric car sales in the United States over the previous three years.

Musk referred to Vice President Joe Biden earlier this year as a “damp sock puppet in human form” after the President excluded Tesla from an EV manufacturing discussion.

Elon Musk mocked Joe Biden after he made another error during a speech about his new executive order in response to the Roe v. Wade decision.

In response to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade on June 24, the President spoke after signing an executive order to protect women seeking abortions.

Consequently: “Iterate the line. Women have access to…”


Tim Young of the Washington Times and the CEO of Tesla were among those who made fun of him.

Musk, who has sparred publicly with the President for months, tweeted on Friday alongside a meme: “Whoever controls the teleprompter is the true President!”

The conflict between the President and Musk began when Tesla was not invited to an electric vehicle (EV) summit at the White House in 2021, despite accounting for around three-quarters of all-electric car sales in the United States during the preceding three years.

Musk referred to Vice President Joe Biden as a “damp sock puppet in human form” earlier this year when the President excluded Tesla from an EV manufacturing conversation.

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Previously, the world’s richest man stated that candidates older than 70 years of age should be prohibited from standing for office. Biden and his White House predecessor, Donald Trump, are 79 and 76 years old, respectively.

Although presidential candidates in the United States must be at least 35 years old, there is no upper age limit.

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