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The Governor of Illinois Has Announced an Electric Vehicle Rebate Scheme

Soon, Illinois residents who purchase electric vehicles may be eligible for incentives.

Director Kim stated, “The Illinois EPA is happy to offer this new rebate program to Illinois consumers, further encouraging the purchase of electric vehicles in Illinois and lowering vehicle emissions and greenhouse gases.

“Vehicle emissions continue to be one of Illinois’ major sources of air pollution, especially in urban areas.”

As of July 1, these laws are binding in Illinois.

People can fill out an application for a rebate under Illinois’ EV Rebate Program here, according to a news release from the state.

Beginning on July 1, applications are being accepted for the first financing round. The applications must be postmarked on or before September 30.

Illinois residents who purchase an all-electric passenger vehicle on or after July 1 are qualified to submit a rebate application. The sums of the following rebates are:


a $4,000 incentive is now available for buying an all-electric vehicle.

a $2,000 incentive for the purchase of an all-electric vehicle as of July 1, 2026.

a $1,500 incentive starting on July 1, 2028, for the purchase of an all-electric vehicle.

For the purchase of an electric motorcycle, a $1,500 incentive is offered.

According to the press release, for a car to qualify for a reimbursement, it must be entirely powered and fueled by electricity, plugged into recharge, and authorized to operate on public roads.

Mopeds, off-road vehicles, hybrid electric, and extended-range electric vehicles that additionally include a traditional fueled propulsion system or auxiliary engine are not eligible for the program.

The following, among others, are the eligibility criteria for an EV rebate in Illinois:

When purchasing the vehicle and when the rebate is provided, the buyer must be a resident of Illinois.

A dealer authorized by the Illinois Secretary of State must be used to purchase the vehicle.
The refund is not applicable to leased or rented automobiles.

Under the new program in Illinois, the vehicle cannot have been the subject of an earlier EV refund.

The rebate cannot be for more than the cost of the vehicle.

A minimum of 12 consecutive months must pass after the car is purchased before the buyer must give up ownership.

The buyer has 90 days from the date of the car purchase to submit an application for the rebate.

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The required paperwork consists of an IRS W-9 or W-8 form, a copy of the purchase invoice, proof of purchase, the car registration, and other related items.

Illinois will begin pausing its fuel, grocery, and school supply taxes on Friday.

According to reports, the Illinois EPA will assess low-income consumers’ applications first and award discounts in line with that.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, households are considered low-income if their income is less than 80% of the state median income.

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